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1. 准备供品:准备一些水、鲜花、香炉、香、水果、甜点等供品。
2. 准备心诚:在供奉菩萨之前,静心冥想,净化心灵,表达虔诚和敬意。
3. 洁净佛像:用清水和柔软的布擦拭佛像,确保佛像干净。
4. 点香上供:将香炉点燃,点香,然后把香插在香炉中。
5. 洒水上供:用清水洒在佛像前,象征清净身心。
6. 献花祈福:将鲜花摆在佛像前,表示敬意和美好祝愿。
7. 献食上供:摆放水果、甜点等食物在供桌上,表示供养菩萨。
8. 念经礼拜:可以诵经、念佛,或者做礼拜以表达虔诚。



To consecrate of figure of Buddha Bodhisattva can adopt the following measure:

1.Plan offerings: Plan the offerings such as a few water, flower, censer, sweet, fruit, desert.
2.Prepare a heart sincere: Before consecrate Bodhisattva, static heart is contemplative, purify the heart, expression is mixed piously devoir.
3.Clean figure of Buddha: Wipe figure of Buddha with clear water and soft cloth, ensure figure of Buddha is clean.
4.The dot is sweet offer up a sacrifice: Ignite censer, the dot is sweet, next sweet in be being inserted in censer.
5.Aspersion offers up a sacrifice: Asperse before figure of Buddha with clear water, indicative and kosher body and mind.
6.Offer beautiful pray good fortune: Place the flower before figure of Buddha, state devoir and happiness wish.
7.Display feed offer up a sacrifice: Put the food such as fruit, desert to be on altar, express to make offerings to Bodhisattva.
8.Recite scriptures chapel: Can Song classics, pray to Buddha, or go to church in order to convey devotional.

Make offerings to Bodhisattva is a kind of devotional behavior, be in again heart sincere.
