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1. **准备材料**:准备一些小量的鲜血。确保鲜血是来自你自己的,并且在获取时保持卫生。

2. **准备佛牌**:将佛牌放在一个干净的表面上,并清洁它以确保表面干净。

3. **专注和祈祷**:在进行任何事情之前,要先心无杂念地专注并祈祷。表达你的愿望和敬意。

4. **沾血**:用一根清洁的棉签或者其他小工具,轻轻地蘸取少量的鲜血,然后点在佛牌的表面上。

5. **祈祷**:在沾血后,再次祈祷,向佛牌表达你的愿望和敬意。你可以用自己的语言或者传统的经文来祈祷。

6. **清理**:完成供奉后,用清水轻轻地清洗佛牌,确保它没有任何残留的血迹。

7. **崇拜**:将佛牌放在一个干净、恭敬的地方,每天都给予崇拜和敬意。



Card of hematic consecrate Buddha is a kind of old ceremony, be thought to be able to enhance the power of Buddha card in certain and traditional belief. It is common step below:

1.** prepares material ** : Prepare the blood of a few particle. Ensure blood comes from yourself, and keep wholesome when get.

2.** prepares Buddha card ** : Put Buddha shop sign in clean apparently, clean it in order to ensure the surface is clean.

3.** is dedicated and pray ** : Before having everything, should first the heart does not have distracting thoughts ground dedicated pray. Express your desire and respect.

4.** touchs hematic ** : With clean cotton is signed or other coolie is provided, dip in gently take a few blood, nod next in Buddha card apparently.

5.** prays ** : After touching blood, pray again, express your desire and respect to Buddha card. You can use the lection with oneself traditional perhaps language to pray.

6.** clears ** : After the consecrate that finish, clean Buddha plate gently with clear water, ensure it does not have the bloodstain of any remain.

7.** adores ** : Put Buddha shop sign in a clean, deferential place, give everyday adore and devoir.

Ask an attention, card of hematic consecrate Buddha is a kind of religious belief behavior of the individual, discretion wants when undertake, ensure esteem tradition and ceremony.
