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1. 准备一些纸币或者硬币,最好是清洁整齐的,表示尊敬。
2. 前往寺庙或者佛堂,找到供奉佛像的地方。
3. 在供桌或者供奉佛像的前面,找到供奉用的器皿,通常是一个碗或者盘子。
4. 将钱串放在器皿中,可以将钱整齐地叠放或者摆成一个圆形,表示圆满和完整。
5. 在供奉钱串的时候,可以默念一些祈愿或者诵经,表达自己的虔诚和敬意。
6. 完成供奉后,可以合掌鞠躬,表示谢恩和敬意。



Consecrate money strings together Buddha is normally in cloister or family hall for worshipping Buddha undertakes. You can undertake according to the following measure:

1.Prepare a few soft or coin, had better be clean and orderly, express to respect.
2.Head for cloister or family hall for worshipping Buddha, find the place of consecrate figure of Buddha.
3.In altar or before consecrate figure of Buddha, find the containers esp. for use in the house that consecrate uses, it is a bowl normally or dish.
4.Act fund in be being put in household utensils, can fold money trimly put or place into a circle, express to be mixed satisfactorily complete.
5.When consecrate money is strung together, can silent reads aloud a few invocatory or Song classics, those who convey oneself is devotional with devoir.
6.After the consecrate that finish, can add up to a palm to bow, show Xie En and respect.

The calm in remembering maintaining a heart in consecrate process and devotional, such ability express an esteem and belief truly.
