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1. **主神位**:主神的道具应该放在最显眼、最尊贵的位置,通常在供桌的最中央或最高处。

2. **辅助神位**:其他神仙的道具可以根据其地位和重要性放置在主神的周围。

3. **烛台**:通常放置在主神位的两侧,代表光明和纯洁。

4. **香炉**:可以放在主神位或供桌的一侧,用来点燃香火以表示敬意和祈祷。

5. **供品**:摆放在供桌前,通常包括水、果品、鲜花等,表示虔诚和供养。

6. **经书和符咒**:可以放在供桌上或旁边,以示对信仰的尊重和奉献。



Of consecrate immortal prop put depend on normally specific immortal and belief are consuetudinary. Generally speaking, these prop put the place in clean, quiet, respect, put according to the following and general principle:

1.** advocate magical a ** : Advocate magical prop should be put in the the most conspicuous, most exalted position, be in normally of altar most in the center of or top part.

2.** assists a god ** : The prop of other immortal can be placed according to its position and importance in advocate magical all round.

3.** candlestick ** : Place normally in advocate god two side, represent light and chasteness.

4.** censer ** : Can put in advocate god or a side of altar, with will ignite burning incense to pray in order to state devoir is mixed.

5.** offerings ** : Put before altar, include water, fruit, flower to wait normally, express to be mixed piously make offerings to.

6.** Confusion classics and charm ** : Can be put on altar or on the side, in order to show pair of devotional esteem and dedication.

Anyhow, when putting stage property, should pay attention to neat, esteem and awe-stricken, in order to show pair of deities mix piously devoir. In the meantime, also want to follow specific belief and tradition, because different religion and immortal may have,put means and regulation differently.
