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1. **祭品**:准备一些土地奶奶喜欢的食物和饮品,比如水果、米酒、糖果等,放在供桌上供奉。

2. **香烛**:点燃香烛,表达尊敬和敬意。可以选择红色或黄色的香烛。

3. **祷告**:诚心祈祷,表达对土地奶奶的感恩和祝福,向她祈求保佑和庇护。

4. **祭祀仪式**:根据当地的传统和习俗,进行特定的祭祀仪式,如献花、烧纸钱等。

5. **清洁供奉地**:定期清理和整理供奉地,保持清洁和整齐。



Consecrate land grandma has a lot of kind, basically depend on the individual's belief and consuetudinary. Generally speaking, consecrate land grandma can pass the following means to undertake:

1.** oblation ** : Prepare the food that grandma of a few land likes and drink, for instance fruit, rice wine, candy, put in the consecrate on altar.

2.** of ** joss sticks and candles: Ignite joss sticks and candles, express respect and respect. Can choose the joss sticks and candles of red or yellow.

3.** devotional ** : Sincere desire prays, convey pair of land grandmas be thankful and bless, petition to bless and shelter to her.

4.** of ** sacred ceremony: The tradition according to place and consuetudinary, undertake specific sacred ceremony, if present a flower, burn paper made to resemble money and burned as an offering to the dead to wait.

5.** of ground of ** clean consecrate: Clear regularly and arrange consecrate ground, maintain cleanness and orderly.

Remember undertaking consecrate Shi Xincheng is clever, those who respect place is consuetudinary with the tradition.
