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1. **清洁净化**:在供奉前,务必清洁水晶并进行净化,以去除可能残留在上面的负能量。可以使用清水冲洗或者用清香的烟雾(如白烧或檀香)进行净化。

2. **选择合适的位置**:根据水晶的属性和自己的意愿,选择一个合适的位置供奉水晶。例如,阳光普照的地方适合阳光能量较强的水晶,而床头或工作台上适合用来提升睡眠质量或增强工作效率的水晶。

3. **配备合适的辅助物品**:有些人在供奉水晶时会搭配蜡烛、香或者其他祭品,以增强供奉的效果。这些辅助物品可以根据个人喜好选择。

4. **心诚意正**:最重要的是,供奉水晶时要保持一颗虔诚的心,用自己的意愿和信念来连接水晶的能量,这样才能发挥水晶的作用。



Crystal consecrate means because of the person different, can choose normally according to oneself belief and be fond of. Generally speaking, the following can consider when consecrate is crystal:

1.** cleanness purifies ** : Before consecrate, be sure to clean crystal undertakes depurative, with purify the likelihood remains above negative energy. Can use the aerosol that clear water is rinsed or uses faint scent (if be burned in vain or white sandalwood) undertake depurative.

2.** chooses appropriate positional ** : According to crystal attribute and oneself apiration, choose an appropriate positional consecrate crystal. For example, the place of sunshine illuminate all things suits the crystal with sun stronger energy, and suit to use promotion Morpheus quality or the crystal that enhance work efficiency on the head of a bed or workbench.

3.** deploys appropriate auxiliary article ** : Some people are can tie-in when consecrate is crystal candle, sweet other perhaps sacrificial offerings, in order to enhance the result of consecrate. These assist article to be able to choose according to individual be fond of.

4.** heart sincerity ** : The most important is, a devotional heart should maintain when consecrate is crystal, the apiration that uses oneself and belief will join crystal energy, such ability produce crystal effect.

Remember, consecrate crystal is a kind of individual belief and practice of intelligence of animals, the most important is to follow his heart is experienced and intuition undertakes.
