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1. 确定供奉的时间:通常在农历的特定日期,如清明节、中秋节等,或是祖先的生辰忌日。

2. 准备祭品:祭品通常包括酒、水果、肉类、糕点等。选择祭品时,可以根据祖先喜好和当地风俗来决定。

3. 准备祭坛:在家中选择一个安静整洁的地方摆放祭坛,可以放置祖先的牌位或照片,并摆放祭品。

4. 祭拜仪式:在指定的时间,全家人一起向祖先行拜,可以燃香、点烛、磕头等,表达对祖先的尊敬和思念之情。

5. 享用祭品:祭拜结束后,可以将祭品分食,表示与祖先共享食物。



Consecrate ancestor is one of Chinese traditional culture important ceremony. Normally, consecrate ancestor includes the following measure:

1.Decide the time of consecrate: Be in normally the specific date of the traditional Chinese calendar, wait like tomb-sweeping day, the Mid-autumn Festival, or the birthday the anniversary of the death of a parent that is an ancestor.

2.Plan sacrificial offerings: Oblation includes wine, fruit, pork normally kind, cake. When choosing oblation, can decide according to ancestral be fond of and local custom.

3.Prepare altar: In the choice in the home a quiet and neat place puts altar, can set ancestral memorial tablet or picture, put oblation.

4.Hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to a ceremony: In designation time, family person is done obeisance to all right to the ancestor together, can light first class of candle of sweet, dot, knock, express the feeling of the respect to the ancestor and longing.

5.Enjoy oblation: After hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to an end, can divide oblation feed, express to share food with the ancestor.

Consecrate ancestor is the one part of Chinese culture tradition, different area and family may differ somewhat, but the ceremonial measure of core is roughly same.
