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1. 准备供品:在供奉灵位时,准备一些师父喜欢的食物、茶水或其他供品,以表示尊敬和怀念。这可能包括水果、糕点、鲜花等。

2. 准备祭品台:在家中选择一个清洁的地方设置祭品台,上面放置干净的布或纸,用于摆放供品。可以在祭品台上放置师父的照片或画像,并摆放香炉和香烛。

3. 点燃香烛:在供奉时,点燃香炉中的香烛,并向师父的灵位行三鞠躬,表示恭敬和虔诚。

4. 祭拜祈祷:在供奉过程中,可以默默祈祷或诵读经文,向师父的灵魂表达敬意和感谢之情,祈求他的保佑和指引。

5. 敬献供品:将准备好的供品摆放在祭品台上,然后静静地等待一段时间,让师父的灵魂感受到你的诚心和爱意。



The spirit of consecrate master include the following measure normally:

1.Plan offerings: In consecrate spirit when, plan the food that a few masters like, boiled water or other offerings, in order to express respect and yearning. This may include fruit, cake, flower to wait.

2.Preparative oblation stage: The station of local setting oblation that chooses a cleanness in the home, clean cloth or paper are placed above, use at putting offerings. Can be in the photograph that oblation lays a master worker on the stage or picture, put censer and joss sticks and candles.

3.Ignite joss sticks and candles: When consecrate, ignite the joss sticks and candles in censer, and the spirit to the master row 3 bow, state respect is mixed devotional.

4.Bai Qi of hold a memorial ceremony for asks earnestly: In consecrate process, can pray silently or chant lection, express the feeling of devoir and acknowledgment to the master's soul, invocatory his bless and how-to.

5.Jing Xian offerings: Put ready offerings in oblation on the stage, await period of time silently next, the soul that allows a master worker experiences your sincere desire and love.

The spirit of consecrate master the means that is a kind of respect that expresses pair of parting masters and yearning, the practice of everybody may differ somewhat, but core is earnestly and sincerely expression devoir and the affection that be thankful.
