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1. **清洁整理**:保持家里的整洁和清洁,确保环境舒适,有助于提升风水。

2. **摆放位置**:水石的摆放位置也很重要。一般来说,可以将水石放置在客厅、起居室或书房等家庭活动频繁的地方,以便增加家庭中的活力和正能量。

3. **配以盆景**:将水石和盆景搭配使用,可以增添一种自然的美感,也能起到一定的装饰作用。

4. **选择合适的水石**:根据个人的喜好和需求选择适合自己家居风格的水石。不同的水石有着不同的功效和象征意义,如增加财富、提升健康等。

5. **注意水质**:如果水石需要水培,保持水的清洁和更新,避免水质污染影响家居环境。



When placing water rock, want to promote its geomantic effect, can consider the following normally:

1.** cleanness arranges ** : Maintain the home in neat with cleanness, ensure the environment is easy, conduce to promotion geomantic.

2.** puts positional ** : Of water stone it is very important also to put the position. Generally speaking, can be in buy of water Shi Fang the place with the domestic frequent activity such as sitting room, living room or study, so that raise a family,medium vigor is mixed energy.

3.** matchs with miniascape ** : Use water stone and miniascape collocation, can add a kind of natural sense of beauty, also can have certain adornment effect.

4.** chooses appropriate water stone ** : Suit oneself to live in the water stone of the style according to the individual's be fond of and demand choice. Different water stone is having distinct effect and indicative sense, if add health of fortune, promotion,wait.

5.** notices water quality ** : If water stone needs water to earth up, the cleanness that carries water and newer, avoid water pollution to affect household environment.

Integrated for, water Shi Zuiwang is placed in the home, need notices the be fond of of household environment of whole and individual, reasonable put and maintain water stone, the vigor that resides in order to add the home and energy.
