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1. **水晶**: 水晶被认为有净化和吸引正能量的作用,可以放置在客厅的一角或中央位置,以增加财运。

2. **植物**: 在客厅放置一些绿色植物,如吊兰、绿萝等,有助于增加气场,为家居带来活力和财运。

3. **水景**: 在客厅摆放一个小型的室内水景,如流水或小型喷泉,可以促进财运和财富的流动。

4. **摆设**: 放置一些金色或代表财富的装饰品,如金色的香炉、金鱼摆件等,有助于吸引财运。

5. **镜子**: 在客厅适当的位置放置镜子,可以反射正能量并增加空间的光亮度,有助于吸引财运。



The goods that puts fortune of a few delegates and prosperity in the sitting room can increase money use. It is a few common geomantic proposals below:

1.** crystal ** : Crystal is thought to have purify and attract the action of energy, can place the one horn in the sitting room or central position, in order to increase money use.

2.** plant ** : A few greenery are placed in the sitting room, wait like bracketplant, green trailing plants, conduce to increase gas field, bring vigor and money luck for household.

3.** of ** water scene: A diminutive is put in the sitting room indoor water scene, be like running water or small-sized fountain, can promote the flow of money carry and fortune.

4.** furnishs ** : Place a few aureate or the adornment that represents money, place like aureate censer, goldfish etc, conduce to attract money carry.

5.** mirror ** : In the sitting room proper place lays a mirror, can reflex the brightness that capabilities adds a space, conduce to attract money carry.

No matter choose which kinds of method, should ensure put decent, neat, undertake adjustment according to individual be fond of and household style. In the meantime, good financial management and working hard also is the main factor that attracts money carry.
