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1. **鲜花或盆栽:** 花卉能够给房间带来生机和活力,选择一些绿叶植物或鲜花来装饰中宫是个不错的选择。

2. **水元素:** 摆放一个小型的水景或水晶摆件可以增加中宫的活力,代表着财富和流动的能量。

3. **装饰品:** 选择一些美观的装饰品,比如艺术品、雕塑、或是有寓意的摆件,能够提升中宫的审美价值。

4. **光源:** 一个美观的灯具,比如水晶灯或是壁灯,能够增加中宫的明亮度和能量。

5. **镜子:** 在中宫摆放镜子可以增加房间的光线和空间感,同时也有助于吸引更多的正能量。



In household in the central position that palace is located in a building, it is the central area of sitting room or living room normally. Be in in it is OK that palace puts a few goodses that can increase gas field and aesthetic feeling the atmosphere that promotes whole household and energy. Generally speaking, the following article is in in palace puts most flourishing:

1.** flower or potted: ** flowers can bring opportunity of survival and vitality to the room, the palace in choosing plant of a few greenery or flower to decorate is a right choice.

2.** water element: ** puts scene of a diminutive water or crystal to place the vigor of a palace in can increasing, representing the energy of fortune and flow.

3.** adornment: ** chooses a few beautiful adornment, for instance artwork, sculpture, or be have the implied meaning place, the aesthetic value of the palace in can promoting.

4.** illuminant: ** a beautiful lamps and lanterns, for instance crystalline light or it is wall lamp, the bright brightness of the palace in can increasing and energy.

5.** mirror: ** is in in the light that palace puts a mirror to be able to add a room and dimensional feeling, also conduce to at the same time attract more energy.

The most important is to choose those to be able to let you feel cheerful with comfortable article, because they can affect quality of the household atmosphere to you and life directly.
