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1. **龙**:在中国文化中,龙被视为吉祥、权力和财富的象征。但是,真正养一只龙并不现实,可以选择龙形状的装饰物来代替。

2. **金鱼**:金鱼被认为是财富和好运的象征,特别是红色的金鱼。放置在家中水池或鱼缸里,有助于吸引财富和增加家庭的活力。

3. **猫**:猫在风水上被视为带来好运和保护家庭的动物。特别是招财猫,以其挥动的手臂而闻名,被认为可以招来财富和好运。

4. **龟**:龟被认为是长寿和稳定的象征。在家里养一只龟或摆放龟的雕像,有助于增加家庭的安定和长久。

5. **兔子**:在中国文化中,兔子被认为是吉祥和幸福的象征。放置一些兔子的装饰物或者养一只可爱的兔子,可以带来好运和快乐。



Geomantic learn to go up, different animal is indicative different energy and attribute. Generally speaking, what creature is raised in the home geomantic most flourishing, the element such as environment of the any of the twelve animals that should consider domestic member, household and individual be fond of.

1.** dragon ** : In Chinese culture, what dragon is regarded as lucky, influence and money is indicative. But, raise a dragon truly not actual, the ornamental that can choose dragon figure will replace.

2.** goldfish ** : What goldfish is considered as fortune become reconciled to carry is indicative, especially gules goldfish. Place in the cistern in the home or aquarium, conduce to draw fortune and the energy that raise a family.

3.** cat ** : The cat is in geomantic go up to be regarded as to bring lucky the animal with protective family. Enrol money cat especially, famed with the arm that its brandish, be thought to be able to draw on fortune become reconciled to carry.

4.** chelonian ** : What chelonian is considered as long life and stability is indicative. What a chelonian is raised in the home or put chelonian is statuary, conduce to those who raise a family is stable and long.

5.** bunny ** : In Chinese culture, bunny is considered as auspicious auspicious and happy indicative. The ornamental that sets a few rabbit perhaps raises a lovely rabbit, can bring lucky with joy.

As a whole, the particular case of the be fond of that chooses which kinds of animal to want him foundation and family will decide, the key is to should let a medium animal become a kind cheerful the existence with harmony, exalt domestic whole atmosphere and happy feeling thereby.
