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1. **吉祥树**:在中国文化中,吉祥树被视为象征着好运和繁荣。它也被认为能够吸引正能量和财富。

2. **竹子**:在东亚文化中,竹子象征着坚韧、长寿和繁荣。它也被认为能够带来好运和吉祥。

3. **幸运竹**:这是一种特别的竹子,被认为能够吸引好运并驱散负能量。

4. **吊兰**:吊兰是一种易于照料的植物,被认为能够吸引财富和好运。

5. **铁树**:铁树也被称为“招财树”,被认为能够带来财富和好运。



A few people believe to cultivate a few specific plants to be able to bring lucky energy of life in the home. It is below a few often be thought to be able to add the plant with lucky family:

1.** of ** lucky tree: In Chinese culture, lucky tree is regarded as to symbolizing lucky with prosperity. It also is thought to be able to be attracted energy and fortune.

2.** bamboo ** : In East Asia culture, bamboo is indicative tough, long life and prosperity. It also is thought to be able to bring lucky He Jixiang.

3.** of ** lucky bamboo: This is a kind of special bamboo, be thought to be able to be attracted lucky break up negative energy.

4.** bracketplant ** : Bracketplant is a kind of plant that attends easily, be thought to be able to attract fortune become reconciled to carry.

5.** of ** sago cycas: Sago cycas also is called " the tree that enrol money " , be thought to be able to bring fortune become reconciled to carry.

No matter which choose to cultivate substance, they can regard household as adornment, add an opportunity of survival and vigor for the family. But more important is, get along with the plant can bring to the person cheerful and loosen, this itself is a kind lucky.
