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1. **观察风水环境**: 首先要观察屋后的风水环境,确保选择的树木适应当地的气候和土壤条件。

2. **树木的形状和高度**: 根据风水学的原理,树木的形状和高度可以影响屋后的风水。一般来说,树木应该是健康的、挺拔的,并且不要太高或太矮,以保持屋后的气场平衡。

3. **五行相生相克**: 根据五行理论,不同的树木代表着不同的元素,如木、火、土、金、水。可以根据屋主的八字命理或者家居的风水需求来选择种植对应的树木,以达到平衡五行的效果。

4. **避免阻碍气场**: 确保种植的树木不会阻碍正门或者屋内的气场流动,避免形成负面的风水影响。

5. **避免破坏结构**: 选择种植树木时要考虑到其根系的扩展,避免破坏建筑物的结构或者地基。



Be in geomantic in learning, the choice cultivates what tree to be able to consider the following factors in order to promote household flourishing curtilage after house:

1.** observes geomantic environment ** : Want to observe the geomantic environment after house above all, ensure the tree of the choice gets used to local climate and edaphic condition.

2.The appearance of ** tree and high ** : The basis is geomantic learned principle, what arboreous appearance and height can affect house hind is geomantic. Generally speaking, tree should be healthy, forceful, and do not want too tall or too short, in order to maintain the gas field balance after house.

3.** of mutual promotion and restraint between the five elements of ** the five elements: According to theory of the five elements, different tree is representing different element, be like wood, fire, earth, gold, water. Can according to house advocate the tree that character 8 life manages or the geomantic demand of household chooses to cultivate correspondence, in order to achieve the result of balance the five elements.

4.** avoids block up to enrage a ** : Ensure those who cultivate is arboreous won't block up front door or the gas field inside house flows, avoid to form negative geomantic effect.

5.** avoids to destroy structural ** : What its root system should consider when the choice plants tree is patulous, the construction that avoids to destroy a building or foundation.

As a whole, the choice cultivates what tree to need in order to promote household flourishing to consider many factors integratedly curtilage after house, can mix according to the climate of the proposal of the individual's be fond of, geomantic division and place edaphic condition will make a choice.
