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1. **吉祥草(幸福树)**:又称“金钱树”或“招财树”,象征着财富和好运。

2. **吊兰**:传说中能够吸引财气,提升家庭财运。

3. **绿萝**:也被称为“金钱树”,被认为可以吸引财富和繁荣。

4. **发财树(铜钱草)**:被认为可以带来好运和财富。

5. **薄荷**:在中国传统文化中,薄荷被认为是带来财富和好运的植物。



Indoor cultivate a few traditions to go up to be thought to have money to carry the plant of symbolic significance may be helped somewhat. It is a few houseplant that are thought to be able to bring money to carry below:

1.** lucky grass (happy tree) ** : Say again " money is cultivated " or " the tree that enrol money " , indicative fortune become reconciled carries.

2.** bracketplant ** : Wealth vital energy can be drawn in fokelore, promote domestic wealth use.

3.** of ** green trailing plants: Also be called " money is cultivated " , be thought to be able to attract fortune and prosperity.

4.** gets rich tree (copper cash is careless) ** : Be thought to be able to be brought lucky with fortune.

5.** mint ** : In Chinese traditional culture, field mint is considered as to bring fortune and lucky plant.

These plants are thought to be able to be attracted normally energy and money are angry, but important is to should remember, they can not change a destiny with the means like blackart. Cultivate these plants to be able to serve as a kind of happy adornment, also make people mood cheerful at the same time.
