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1. **植物**:放置一两盆健康茂盛的植物可以增加生机和活力,同时也有助于净化空气。常用的植物有吊兰、绿萝、吉祥竹等。

2. **水晶**:水晶被认为能够吸引和放大正能量,提升空间的氛围。你可以选择一些适合放在客厅门口的水晶装饰品,比如水晶摆件或水晶吊坠。

3. **风铃**:挂一些风铃在客厅门口,有助于吸引好运和积聚正能量。选择优质的材料和设计美观的风铃会更加有效。

4. **镜子**:在客厅门口适当地放置镜子,可以让空间显得更加明亮和宽敞,同时也有助于反射正能量。

5. **艺术品**:挂一些美观的艺术品或装饰画作,可以增添空间的品味和文化氛围,同时也有助于提升正能量。



A few ornamental that accord with your home style are being placed in sitting room doorway is a good idea. The basis is geomantic learned a few point of views, the following article may bring a few active energy:

1.** plant ** : The plant that sets 9 healthy exuberance can increase opportunity of survival and vigor, also conduce to at the same time purify air. Commonly used plant has bracketplant, green trailing plants, lucky bamboo to wait.

2.** crystal ** : Crystal is thought to be able to be attracted and magnify energy, promote dimensional atmosphere. You can choose a few crystal adornment that suit to be put in sitting room doorway, for instance crystal is placed or crystal condole drops.

3.** wind-bell ** : Hang a few wind-bell to be at the door the sitting room, conduce to attract lucky with accumulation energy. The wind-bell with the material with high grade choice and beautiful design will be more effective.

4.** mirror ** : Lay a mirror appropriately in sitting room doorway, can let a space appear more bright and capacious, also conduce to reflection at the same time energy.

5.** artwork ** : Hang a few beautiful artwork or adornment to be drawn, can add a space savour and culture atmosphere, also conduce to promotion at the same time energy.

No matter you choose what adornment, the most important is the goods that chooses to accord with your individual be fond of and household style, make the atmosphere in the home more comfortable mix cheerful.
