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1. **水晶**:水晶被认为有吸引财运的作用,尤其是放置在财位上或者财运方向上。比如在家中的东南方位放置水晶,可以增加财运。

2. **金色物品**:金色象征着财富,因此在财位或者财运方位放置金色的物品,比如金色的摆件、金元宝等,可以增加财运。

3. **植物**:一些植物被认为有吸引财运的作用,比如吊兰、绿萝等。将这些植物放置在财位或者财运方位,可以增加家中的财运。

4. **钱币**:在财位或者财运方位放置一些钱币或者铜钱,象征着财富的不断增加。

5. **风水画**:一些风水画可以通过图案和色彩来增强家中的财运,比如金元宝、滚滚财源等。



Be in geomantic in learning, a few common geomantic decorations can attract money carry. It is a few common proposals below:

1.** crystal ** : Crystal is thought to have the effect that draws money carry, place especially in money go up or on money movement way. For instance the southeast azimuth in the home places crystal, can increase money use.

2.** of ** aureate article: Aureate and indicative fortune, because this is in money or money movement position places aureate article, place aureately for instance, gold dollar treasure, can increase money use.

3.** plant ** : A few plants are thought to have the effect that draws money carry, for instance bracketplant, green trailing plants. Set these plants in money or money movement position, can increase a medium money use.

4.** coin ** : In money or money movement position places a few coin or copper cash, increase of indicative fortune ceaselessly.

5.** of ** geomantic picture: A few geomantic pictures can enhance a medium money fortune through design and colour, for instance exchequer of gold dollar treasure, billow.

Why to no matter use,plant geomantic decoration, dou Yinggen undertakes choosing according to his belief and be fond of, and want the way that the attention puts and seat, can achieve the result that attracts money carry in order to ensure.
