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历史上的今天 · 1927年-现代舞蹈创始人伊莎多拉·邓肯逝世


历史上的今天 · 1927年-现代舞蹈创始人伊莎多拉·邓肯逝世

  • 伊莎多拉·邓肯(Isadora Duncan, 1877-1927)被广泛认为是现代舞蹈发展中最具影响力的代表人物之一。她创新的舞蹈方法和独特风格对舞蹈界产生了持久的影响。
    1. Early Life

      • Isadora Duncan was born on May 27, 1877, in San Francisco, California. She was the youngest of four children in her family.
      • 伊莎多拉·邓肯于1877年5月27日出生在加利福尼亚州旧金山。她是家中四个孩子中的最小者。
    2. Early Dance Education

      • Duncan began her dance training at a young age, studying ballet and other dance forms. Her early experiences in dance were shaped by her desire to break away from traditional ballet constraints.
      • 邓肯在年轻时开始接受舞蹈训练,学习芭蕾舞和其他舞蹈形式。她的早期舞蹈经历受到了她想摆脱传统芭蕾舞束缚的影响。
    3. Innovative Style

      • Isadora Duncan is known for her revolutionary approach to dance. She rejected the rigid techniques of classical ballet in favor of more fluid, expressive movements inspired by ancient Greek art and nature.
      • 伊莎多拉·邓肯以她对舞蹈的革命性方法而闻名。她拒绝了古典芭蕾舞的僵化技术,转而采用受古希腊艺术和自然启发的更为流畅、富有表现力的动作。
    4. Personal Life

      • Duncan's personal life was marked by both triumphs and tragedies. She had three children, but they tragically drowned in an accident in 1913. Despite these hardships, she continued to pursue her passion for dance.
      • 邓肯的个人生活既有成功也有悲剧。她有三个孩子,但他们在1913年不幸溺水身亡。尽管经历了这些困难,她仍继续追求她的舞蹈梦想。
    5. Legacy

      • Isadora Duncan's contributions to dance have been monumental. She is often credited with founding modern dance and inspiring future generations of dancers. Her emphasis on natural movement and expression paved the way for contemporary dance.
      • 伊莎多拉·邓肯对舞蹈的贡献是巨大的。她常被认为是现代舞蹈的创始人,并激励了未来的舞者。她对自然动作和表现的重视为当代舞蹈铺平了道路。


    1. Pioneer:开创者,指在某个领域中率先探索或建立新方法的人。
    2. Innovative:创新的,指使用新方法或新思想的。
    3. Revolutionary:革命性的,涉及或引起彻底或戏剧性变化的。
    4. Expressive:富有表现力的,有效地传达思想或情感的。
    5. Tragedy:悲剧,指造成巨大痛苦或损失的事件。
    6. Legacy:遗产,由前任传承下来的东西。
    7. Constraints:约束,限制或束缚。
    8. Fluid:流畅的,光滑而连续的,不僵硬的。
    9. Ancient:古老的,属于非常遥远的过去的。
    10. Contemporary:当代的,属于或发生在现在的。