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历史上的今天 · 1916年-杰出童话家罗尔德·达尔(Roald Dahl)出生


历史上的今天 · 1916年-杰出童话家罗尔德·达尔(Roald Dahl)出生

  • 罗尔德·达尔(Roald Dahl),这位卓越的童话作家,以其独特的创意和非凡的写作技巧在儿童文学领域中占据了重要地位。他的作品不仅充满了奇幻的想象力,还融合了深刻的道德寓意,使得他的故事受到各个年龄段读者的喜爱。

    Roald Dahl was born on September 13, 1916, in Llandaff, Wales. His father was a Norwegian immigrant, and his mother was Welsh. Dahl's childhood was not always smooth, as he faced numerous challenges at school, which later became sources of inspiration for many of his stories. As an adult, Dahl was not only a writer but also a pilot and fighter, participating in combat during World War II.

    罗尔德·达尔(Roald Dahl)于1916年9月13日出生在威尔士的利茨(Llandaff)。他的父亲是挪威移民,母亲则是威尔士人。达尔的童年并不总是平坦,他在学校时经历了不少磨难,这些经历后来成为了他许多故事中的灵感来源。成年后,达尔不仅是作家,还曾是一名飞行员和战斗员,参与了第二次世界大战的战斗。


    1. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

      • This is one of Dahl’s most famous works, telling the story of a poor boy named Charlie Bucket and his magical adventure in a chocolate factory. The novel explores themes of greed, family, and honesty.
      • "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is celebrated for its imaginative portrayal of a magical chocolate world.
      • 《查理和巧克力工厂》因其对魔幻巧克力世界的富有想象力的描绘而受到赞誉。
    2. Matilda

      • This story follows a smart little girl named Matilda who uses her intelligence and special powers to confront unfair adults. The work highlights the importance of courage and wisdom.
      • "Matilda's intelligence and bravery make her a beloved character in children’s literature.
      • 玛蒂尔达的智慧和勇气使她成为儿童文学中深受喜爱的角色。
    3. Fantastic Mr. Fox

      • The book tells the story of Mr. Fox and his clever solutions to evade capture by farmers. The novel showcases the importance of cleverness and family.
      • "Fantastic Mr. Fox is praised for its clever plot and the strong family values it portrays.
      • 《了不起的狐狸爸爸》因其巧妙的情节和所展现的家庭价值观而受到赞扬。
    4. The Enormous Crocodile

      • This story is about a greedy crocodile trying to eat other animals. Through this tale, Dahl conveys the theme of good triumphing over evil.
      • "The Enormous Crocodile is known for its engaging narrative and moral lessons about greed.
      • 《无敌的老虎》以其引人入胜的叙事和关于贪婪的道德教训而著称。
    5. The BFG

      • This book tells the fantastical adventure of a giant and a little girl. Through this story, Dahl explores themes of friendship and bravery.
      • "The BFG combines fantasy with themes of friendship and courage.
      • 《鬼马小精灵》将幻想与友谊和勇气的主题结合在一起。

    Roald Dahl’s works have had a profound impact on children's literature, leaving an indelible mark on the literary world. His stories often feature dark humor and unique narrative styles that captivate both children and adults. Dahl's books have been translated into numerous languages, extending their influence globally.



    1. Imaginative - 富有想象力的
    2. Whimsical - 异想天开的
    3. Adventurous - 冒险的
    4. Resilience - 适应力,弹性
    5. Morality - 道德
    6. Greed - 贪婪
    7. Courage - 勇气
    8. Fantasy - 幻想
    9. Narrative - 叙事
    10. Influence - 影响


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