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  • 生理期,又称月经周期,是女性生理上的一个自然过程。它通常每月发生一次,持续约3到7天。生理期的开始标志着子宫内膜的脱落,并随月经血一起排出体外。这个过程通常伴随着一系列身体和情绪上的变化,包括腹痛、腰背疼痛、头痛、情绪波动等。生理期的规律性和持续时间因人而异,但通常会随着年龄、生活方式和健康状况的变化而有所调整。


    1. Menstruation - 月经
    2. Period - 生理期(月经)
    3. Menstrual cycle - 月经周期
    4. Menstrual cramps - 经期腹痛
    5. PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome) - 经前综合症
    6. Tampon - 卫生棉条
    7. Sanitary pad - 卫生巾
    8. Flow - 经血流量
    9. Ovulation - 排卵
    10. Menopause - 更年期


    Menstruation is a natural part of the female reproductive system, occurring approximately once a month. It marks the shedding of the uterine lining, which exits the body through the vagina, typically lasting between 3 to 7 days. The menstrual cycle, which averages about 28 days, begins with menstruation and is followed by the follicular phase, ovulation, and the luteal phase.

    During menstruation, women may experience various physical and emotional symptoms, such as abdominal cramps, back pain, headaches, and mood swings. These symptoms can vary in intensity and duration from person to person. Managing these symptoms often involves using sanitary products like pads or tampons, staying hydrated, and sometimes taking over-the-counter pain relief medication.

    Understanding menstruation is crucial for promoting female health and well-being. It is important for women to track their menstrual cycles to recognize any irregularities and seek medical advice if needed. Overall, menstruation is a normal biological process that reflects a woman's reproductive health.





    A: Hi, how are you feeling today?

    B: Hi, I’m a bit uncomfortable. I’m on my period, so I have some cramps and mood swings.

    A: I’m sorry to hear that. Do you need anything? Maybe a warm drink or a heating pad?

    B: A heating pad would be great, thank you. And if you have any pain relief medication, that would help too.

    A: Sure, I can get you a heating pad and some ibuprofen. Is there anything else I can do to help?

    B: No, that’s all for now. I just need to rest and take it easy.

    A: Alright, take care and let me know if you need anything else.

    B: Will do. Thanks for your help!

    A: 嗨,你今天感觉怎么样?

    B: 嗨,我有点不舒服。我在生理期,所以有一些腹痛和情绪波动。

    A: 听到这些我很抱歉。你需要什么吗?也许一杯温暖的饮料或者一个加热垫?

    B: 加热垫会很好,谢谢。如果你有止痛药的话,也会有帮助。

    A: 当然,我会给你拿加热垫和一些布洛芬。还有其他我能帮忙的吗?

    B: 现在没有了。我只需要休息一下,放轻松。

    A: 好的,保重,如果还需要其他帮助随时告诉我。

    B: 会的。谢谢你的帮助!
