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英汉双语散文:Reflection 反思


英汉双语散文:Reflection 反思

  • 在生命的长河中,我们每个人都会遇到各种各样的挑战和机遇。这些经历,无论是喜悦的还是痛苦的,都在不断地塑造着我们的性格和价值观。反思,作为一种内省的思考方式,能够帮助我们从这些经历中汲取教训,促进个人成长。

    英汉双语散文:Reflection 反思

    In the river of life, each of us encounters a myriad of challenges and opportunities. These experiences, whether joyful or painful, continually shape our character and values. Reflection, as a form of introspective thinking, enables us to learn from these experiences and foster personal growth.


    As we immerse ourselves in the hustle and bustle of daily life, we often overlook the importance of reflection. Yet, it is this seemingly silent self-dialogue that allows us to detach from the complex world, listen to our inner voices, and understand our true feelings.


    Reflection is not just a review of the past; it is also a deep consideration of the future. Through reflection, we can identify our strengths and weaknesses, thus making wiser decisions and pursuing more meaningful life goals.


    In the process of reflection, we may encounter difficulties and challenges. Faced with these problems, we need the courage and honesty to face ourselves, not to shy away from issues, not to cover up mistakes. Only in this way can we learn from failures and summarize experiences from successes.



    1. Challenges(挑战) - 面对的困难或需要克服的障碍。
    2. Opportunities(机遇) - 有利的条件或时机。
    3. Character(性格) - 个人的特点或品质。
    4. Values(价值观) - 个人或社会的道德标准和信念。
    5. Introspective(内省的) - 反省自己的思想和行为。
    6. Hustle and bustle(熙熙攘攘) - 忙碌喧嚣的生活状态。
    7. Detach(抽离) - 使自己脱离或超然。
    8. Inner voices(内心的声音) - 个人内心深处的想法或直觉。
    9. Strengths(强项) - 个人的优势或长处。
    10. Weaknesses(弱点) - 个人的劣势或不足。
    11. Wiser decisions(更明智的决策) - 基于深思熟虑的选择。
    12. Meaningful life goals(有意义的生活目标) - 给人带来满足感和目标感的抱负。
    13. Difficulties(困难) - 需要努力克服的难题。
    14. Courage(勇气) - 面对困难或危险时的勇敢。
    15. Honesty(诚实) - 真实表达自己的想法和行为。


    上一篇:give sb. a head start 是什么意思?