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  • 狗狗作为人类最好的朋友,其品种繁多,各具特色。了解不同狗狗品种的英文名称,不仅能增加宠物爱好者的知识,还能帮助国际交流中更好地沟通。本文精选了30个常见的狗狗品种的英文名称及实用例句和翻译,旨在帮助爱狗人士扩展词汇,增进对狗狗品种的了解。

    1. 拉布拉多 (Labrador Retriever)

    • 例句: "I've always wanted a Labrador Retriever as a companion for my kids."
    • 翻译: 我一直想养一只拉布拉多寻回犬作为孩子们的伙伴。

    2. 德国牧羊犬 (German Shepherd)

    • 例句: "German Shepherds are known for their intelligence and loyalty."
    • 翻译: 德国牧羊犬以其智慧和忠诚而闻名。

    3. 金毛寻回犬 (Golden Retriever)

    • 例句: "Golden Retrievers are one of the most popular family pets."
    • 翻译: 金毛寻回犬是最受欢迎的家庭宠物之一。

    4. 法国斗牛犬 (French Bulldog)

    • 例句: "French Bulldogs have a unique appearance and are very affectionate."
    • 翻译: 法国斗牛犬外观独特,非常亲切。

    5. 贵宾犬 (Poodle)

    • 例句: "Poodles are highly intelligent and often excel in dog sports."
    • 翻译: 贵宾犬非常聪明,经常在狗类运动中表现出色。

    6. 比熊犬 (Bichon Frise)

    • 例句: "Bichon Frises are known for their friendly and adaptable nature."
    • 翻译: 比熊犬以其友好和适应性强的特性而闻名。

    7. 罗威纳 (Rottweiler)

    • 例句: "Rottweilers are loyal and make excellent guard dogs."
    • 翻译: 罗威纳忠诚,是出色的守卫犬。

    8. 约克夏梗 (Yorkshire Terrier)

    • 例句: "Despite their small size, Yorkshire Terriers have a big heart."
    • 翻译: 尽管体型小,约克夏梗却有着大心脏。

    9. 柯基犬 (Corgi)

    • 例句: "Corgis are known for their unique appearance and friendly nature."
    • 翻译: 柯基犬以其独特的外观和友好的天性而闻名。

    10. 西伯利亚雪橇犬 (Siberian Husky)

    • 例句: "Siberian Huskies have a striking appearance and are very energetic."
    • 翻译: 西伯利亚雪橇犬外观引人注目,精力充沛。

    11. 边境牧羊犬 (Border Collie)

    • 例句: "Border Collies are one of the smartest breeds and excel at herding."
    • 翻译: 边境牧羊犬是最聪明的品种之一,擅长牧羊。

    12. 斗牛犬 (Bulldog)

    • 例句: "Bulldogs are known for their distinctive features and friendly demeanor."
    • 翻译: 斗牛犬以其独特的外貌和友好的态度而闻名。

    13. 萨摩耶 (Samoyed)

    • 例句: "Samoyeds have a very friendly and gentle nature."
    • 翻译: 萨摩耶天性友好温和。

    14. 杜宾犬 (Doberman Pinscher)

    • 例句: "Doberman Pinschers are known for their strength and loyalty."
    • 翻译: 杜宾犬以其力量和忠诚而闻名。

    15. 阿拉斯加雪橇犬 (Alaskan Malamute)

    • 例句: "Alaskan Malamutes are large, strong dogs with a friendly temperament."
    • 翻译: 阿拉斯加雪橇犬体型大,力量强,性格友好。

    16. 澳大利亚牧牛犬 (Australian Cattle Dog)

    • 例句: "Australian Cattle Dogs are highly energetic and make great working dogs."
    • 翻译: 澳大利亚牧牛犬精力充沛,是出色的工作犬。

    17. 马尔济斯犬 (Maltese)

    • 例句: "Maltese dogs are small, elegant, and very affectionate."
    • 翻译: 马尔济斯犬体型小,优雅,非常亲切。

    18. 西施犬 (Shih Tzu)

    • 例句: "Shih Tzus are known for their affectionate nature and long double coat."
    • 翻译: 西施犬以其亲切的天性和双层长毛而闻名。

    19. 圣伯纳德犬 (Saint Bernard)

    • 例句: "Saint Bernards are known for their size and gentle temperament."
    • 翻译: 圣伯纳德犬以其体型大和性格温和而闻名。

    20. 柴犬 (Shiba Inu)

    • 例句: "Shiba Inus are independent and make great companions for active families."
    • 翻译: 柴犬独立且有活力,是活跃家庭的理想伙伴。

    21. 拳师犬 (Boxer)

    • 例句: "Boxers are known for their playful and energetic nature."
    • 翻译: 拳师犬以好玩和活力著称。

    22. 大丹犬 (Great Dane)

    • 例句: "Great Danes are one of the tallest dog breeds and are very friendly."
    • 翻译: 大丹犬是最高的犬种之一,非常友好。

    23. 苏格兰牧羊犬 (Collie)

    • 例句: "Collies are highly intelligent and are often seen in movies and TV shows."
    • 翻译: 苏格兰牧羊犬非常聪明,经常出现在电影和电视节目中。

    24. 纽芬兰犬 (Newfoundland)

    • 例句: "Newfoundlands are large, gentle dogs with a natural affinity for water."
    • 翻译: 纽芬兰犬体型大,性格温和,天生喜欢水。

    25. 贝灵顿梗 (Bedlington Terrier)

    • 例句: "Bedlington Terriers have a unique woolly coat and are very energetic."
    • 翻译: 贝灵顿梗有独特的羊毛状皮毛,精力充沛且友好。

    26. 阿富汗猎犬 (Afghan Hound)

    • 例句: "Afghan Hounds are known for their elegant appearance and silky coat."
    • 翻译: 阿富汗猎犬以其优雅的外观和丝滑的皮毛而闻名。

    27. 巴哥犬 (Pug)

    • 例句: "Pugs are small, compact dogs with a wrinkled face and curled tail."
    • 翻译: 巴哥犬体型小巧,有魅力,面部有皱纹,尾巴卷曲。

    28. 波士顿梗 (Boston Terrier)

    • 例句: "Boston Terriers are small,活泼 dogs with a friendly and intelligent nature."
    • 翻译: 波士顿梗体型小,活泼,友好且聪明。

    29. 秋田犬 (Akita)

    • 例句: "Akitas are powerful dogs with a loyal and dignified nature."
    • 翻译: 秋田犬力量强大,忠诚,原产于日本,以其尊严著称。

    30. 威尔士柯基犬 (Pembroke Welsh Corgi)

    • 例句: "Pembroke Welsh Corgis are small dogs with a big heart and excellent herding abilities."
    • 翻译: 威尔士柯基犬体型小,但有一颗大心脏和出色的牧羊能力。


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