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历史上的今天 · 1828年-俄国文豪列夫托尔斯泰诞辰


历史上的今天 · 1828年-俄国文豪列夫托尔斯泰诞辰

  • 列夫·托尔斯泰(Leo Tolstoy),19世纪俄国最杰出的文学家之一,以其深邃的文学作品和哲学思想闻名于世。托尔斯泰的小说《战争与和平》和《安娜·卡列尼娜》不仅在文学史上占有重要地位,也在全球读者中产生了深远的影响。

    Lev Tolstoy, full name Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy, was born on September 9, 1828, in a noble family in the Russian Empire and passed away on November 20, 1910. Tolstoy is one of the most distinguished novelists of 19th-century Russia, known for his profound social insights and complex character portrayals. His two major works, War and Peace and Anna Karenina, are considered classics of world literature.

    Tolstoy's literary work goes beyond individual destinies, delving deeply into social, moral, and religious issues. In his later years, he increasingly distanced himself from high society, focusing instead on poverty and social injustice. He developed a unique set of religious and philosophical ideas, advocating non-violence and a simple life. These ideas are thoroughly explored in his writings The Kingdom of God Is Within You and Confession. Tolstoy's thoughts and works have had a lasting impact on subsequent literary and philosophical thought.

    列夫·托尔斯泰(Lev Tolstoy),全名列夫·尼古拉耶维奇·托尔斯泰,1828年9月9日出生于俄罗斯帝国的一个贵族家庭,1910年11月20日逝世。托尔斯泰是19世纪俄罗斯最杰出的小说家之一,以其深刻的社会洞察力和复杂的人物刻画而闻名。他的两部主要作品,《战争与和平》和《安娜·卡列尼娜》,被认为是世界文学的经典之作。



    • Lev Tolstoy:列夫·托尔斯泰
    • noble family:贵族家庭
    • Russian Empire:俄罗斯帝国
    • distinguished:杰出的
    • novelists:小说家
    • 19th-century Russia:19世纪俄罗斯
    • profound social insights:深刻的社会洞察力
    • complex character portrayals:复杂的人物刻画
    • War and Peace:《战争与和平》
    • Anna Karenina:《安娜·卡列尼娜》
    • classics of world literature:世界文学经典
    • delving deeply:深入探讨
    • social, moral, and religious issues:社会、道德和宗教问题
    • high society:上层社会
    • poverty:贫困
    • social injustice:社会不公
    • non-violence:非暴力
    • simple life:简朴生活
    • The Kingdom of God Is Within You:《天国在你们之内》
    • Confession:《自述》
    • lasting impact:持久的影响
    • subsequent literary and philosophical thought:后来的文学和哲学思想