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英语导游词:黄浦江 Huangpu River


英语导游词:黄浦江 Huangpu River

  • Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Shanghai, the bustling metropolis of China. Today, we will take a journey along the Huangpu River, a vital waterway that has witnessed the transformation of this city from a small fishing village to one of the world's leading financial centers.   女士们,先生们,欢迎来到中国的繁华都市上海。今天,我们将沿着黄浦江进行一次旅行,这条重要的水道见证了这座城市从一个小渔村转变为世界领先的金融中心的历程。   As we cruise down the river, on your left, you will see the iconic Bund. This historic waterfront area is lined with colonial-era buildings that once housed banks and trading companies. Today, it's a popular spot for tourists and locals alike, offering a stunning view of the modern skyline across the river.   当我们的船只沿着河流航行时,在你们的左手边,你们将看到标志性的外滩。这个历史性的滨水区排列着殖民时期的建筑,这些地方曾经是银行和贸易公司的所在地。如今,这里成为了游客和当地人的热门地点,可以欣赏到河对岸现代天际线的壮丽景色。   On the opposite side of the river, you will notice the futuristic Pudong skyline, dominated by the towering Shanghai Tower, the second tallest building in the world. This area symbolizes Shanghai's rapid development and its ambition to reach for the stars.   在河流的另一边,你们会注意到未来主义的浦东天际线,以高耸的上海中心大厦为标志,这是世界上第二高的建筑。这个区域象征着上海的快速发展和其追求卓越的雄心。   The Huangpu River itself has played a crucial role in Shanghai's history and economy. It is the main waterway connecting the Yangtze River to the East China Sea, facilitating trade and transportation. As we sail along, you can see the busy port activities, a testament to Shanghai's status as one of the busiest ports in the world.   黄浦江本身在上海的历史和经济中扮演了至关重要的角色。它是连接长江与东海的主要水道,促进了贸易和运输。当我们的船只航行时,你可以看到繁忙的港口活动,这证明了上海作为世界上繁忙港口之一的地位。   As we continue our cruise, you will also notice the contrast between the old and new Shanghai, with traditional Chinese junks sailing alongside modern cargo ships. This juxtaposition is a microcosm of Shanghai's unique blend of tradition and modernity.   当我们的巡游继续进行时,你们还会注意到新旧上海之间的对比,传统的中国帆船与现代的货船并行。这种对比是上海传统与现代性独特融合的缩影。   Thank you for joining us on this journey along the Huangpu River. It's a journey through time, from the past to the future, and a reflection of Shanghai's enduring spirit.   感谢您加入我们沿着黄浦江的旅程。这是一次穿越时间的旅行,从过去到未来,也是对上海持久精神的反映。


    1.Huangpu River - 黄浦江 2.Shanghai - 上海 3.cruise - 巡游 4.Bund - 外滩 5.Pudong - 浦东 6.skyline - 天际线 7.Shanghai Tower - 上海中心大厦 8.Yangtze River - 长江 9.East China Sea - 东海 10.port activities - 港口活动 11.junks - 帆船 12.cargo ships - 货船 13.contrast - 对比 14.tradition - 传统 15.modernity - 现代性 16.journey through time - 穿越时间的旅程 17.enduring spirit - 持久精神