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看病必备的英文 就诊时的常用表达


看病必备的英文 就诊时的常用表达

  • 在现代社会中,跨国医疗和国际旅游使得掌握医学英语成为一种重要的技能。不论是出国旅行还是在本地寻求外国医生的帮助,能够用英文流利地交流医疗问题和症状显得尤为重要。这不仅有助于确保获取正确的医疗建议,也能够提高患者与医务人员之间的沟通效率。



    1. 预约就诊

      • “I’d like to make an appointment with Dr. [Doctor's Name].”

      • “Can I schedule a visit for next week?”

      • “What time slots are available?”

      • “I need to see a specialist. Can you refer me?”

    2. 挂号信息

      • “Do I need to bring any documents or insurance information?”

      • “How much will the consultation fee be?”

      • “Is there a cancellation policy I should be aware of?”


    1. 基本信息

      • “I am here for my appointment with Dr. [Doctor's Name].”

      • “I have a [insurance plan name] insurance. Will it cover this visit?”

    2. 描述症状

      • “I’ve been experiencing [symptom], like [description of symptom].”

      • “How long have you been feeling this way?”

      • “On a scale from 1 to 10, how severe is your pain?”

      • “Is the pain constant or does it come and go?”

    3. 医学史

      • “Do you have any allergies?”

      • “Are you currently taking any medications?”

      • “Do you have any chronic conditions, such as diabetes or high blood pressure?”


    1. 解释检查

      • “We need to perform some tests to determine the cause of your symptoms.”

      • “You will need to get an X-ray/ultrasound/blood test.”

      • “The results will be available in [time period].”

    2. 讨论诊断

      • “The test results show that you have [condition].”

      • “We need to discuss the treatment options.”

      • “Are there any side effects to the medication?”


    1. 药物说明

      • “You need to take this medication [dosage] times a day.”

      • “Take it with food or on an empty stomach?”

      • “How long should you continue taking this medication?”

    2. 治疗方案

      • “We recommend physical therapy to help with your recovery.”

      • “You might need to undergo surgery. Let’s discuss the details.”

      • “It’s important to follow the treatment plan closely.”


    1. 复诊预约

      • “When should I schedule my follow-up appointment?”

      • “How often should I come back for check-ups?”

    2. 问题解答

      • “What should I do if I experience any side effects?”

      • “Who can I contact if I have questions outside of office hours?”

