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  • 随着全球气候变化和紫外线辐射强度的增加,防晒已成为我们日常生活中不可忽视的一部分。在学习英语时,掌握与防晒相关的词汇和表达不仅能够提升我们的语言能力,也能帮助我们更好地理解和交流有关皮肤保护的话题。



    1. Sunscreen - 防晒霜
      • "Make sure to apply sunscreen before going outside."
    2. Sunblock - 强效防晒霜
      • "She prefers sunblock for her sensitive skin."
    3. Sun Protection Factor (SPF) - 防晒系数
      • "This sunscreen has an SPF of 50."
    4. Sunscreen Lotion - 防晒乳液
      • "I use sunscreen lotion every day."
    5. Sunscreen Spray - 防晒喷雾
      • "Sunscreen spray is easy to apply on hard-to-reach areas."
    6. Sunscreen Stick - 防晒棒
      • "A sunscreen stick is convenient for traveling."


    1. Sun Protective Clothing - 防晒衣物
      • "Wearing sun protective clothing can reduce UV exposure."
    2. UV-Protective Clothing - UV防护衣物
      • "She wears UV-protective clothing during outdoor activities."
    3. Hat with Brim - 帽子(带边)
      • "A hat with a brim provides extra shade for your face."
    4. Sunglasses - 太阳镜
      • "Sunglasses protect your eyes from harmful UV rays."
    5. Shade - 阴凉处
      • "Seek shade during the peak hours of sunlight."


    1. Tanned - 晒黑了的
      • "He was tanned after spending a week at the beach."
    2. Sunburned - 晒伤了的
      • "She got sunburned after forgetting to apply sunscreen."
    3. Sun-Damaged Skin - 晒伤的皮肤
      • "Long-term exposure to the sun can cause sun-damaged skin."
    4. Bronzed - 有古铜色的(晒黑)
      • "Her skin looked bronzed after the summer vacation."


    1. Apply Sunscreen - 涂抹防晒霜
      • "Always apply sunscreen 30 minutes before going outside."
    2. Reapply Sunscreen - 重新涂抹防晒霜
      • "Reapply sunscreen every two hours, especially after swimming."
    3. Avoid Peak Sun Hours - 避免阳光最强的时间
      • "Try to avoid peak sun hours from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m."
    4. Protect Against UV Rays - 保护免受紫外线伤害
      • "Sunscreen helps protect against harmful UV rays."


    1. "Did you put on sunscreen?"

      • 问对方是否涂抹了防晒霜。
    2. "Don't forget to reapply sunscreen every two hours."

      • 提醒对方每两小时重新涂抹一次防晒霜。
    3. "I always use SPF 30 or higher to protect my skin."

      • 表示使用SPF 30或更高的防晒霜。
    4. "Make sure to cover all exposed areas with sunscreen."

      • 确保防晒霜涂抹到所有暴露的皮肤区域。
    5. "Let's stay in the shade for a while; the sun is really strong today."

      • 建议在阴凉处待一会儿,因为今天的阳光很强。
    6. "I usually wear a hat and sunglasses to protect myself from the sun."

      • 表示通常戴帽子和太阳镜来防晒。
    7. "My skin got sunburned because I forgot to apply sunscreen."

      • 抱怨因为忘了涂抹防晒霜而晒伤了皮肤。


    上一篇:英语词汇辨析:modify, revise, amend, alter