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  • 天气是人们日常生活中经常讨论的话题之一,了解如何用英语描述天气状况及其相关表达方式,对于提高英语交流能力至关重要。本篇文章将带领大家学习与天气相关的词汇、表达和习语,帮助你在英语交流中更加自如地描述天气变化,讨论气候现象,以及在不同天气背景下的日常生活。


    • weather ['weðə] n. 天气
      • 询问天气:How’s the weather today? 或 What’s the weather like today?
      • 回答天气:It is + 形容词,如 "It is sunny."
    • cloud→cloudy 多云的
    • frost→frosty 结霜的;严寒的
    • mist→misty 有雾的
    • snow→snowy 有雪的
    • storm→stormy 暴风雨的
    • wind→windy 有风的
    • fog→foggy 有雾的
    • sun→sunny 晴朗的
    • ice→icy 结冰的

    • 1.sunny then cloudy/cloudy then rainy 晴转阴/阴转雨
    • 2.heavy showers  强阵雨
    • 3.a sunny day  阳光灿烂的一天
    • 4.weather forecast/report  天气预报
    • 5.drop/fall to five degree below zero  降到零下五度
    • 6.freezing cold/burning hot  非常寒冷/炎热
    • 7.be caught in a heavy rain  遇上一场大雨
    • 8.rains cats and dogs/pouring rain  倾盆大雨
    • 9.hazy weather  雾霾天气
    • 10.(buildings)fall down   (房屋)倒塌
    • 11.(water and power supplies) be cut off (水电)被切断
    • 12.be destroyed in the hurricane  在飓风中被毁坏
    • 13.be covered with ice and snow  被冰雪覆盖
    • 14.(people)be killed in the flood/storm(人们)在洪水/暴风雨中遇难
    • 15.cause13 deaths and 5 people missing 造成13人死亡和5人失踪
    • 16.with more than 200 people injured/missing 有200多人受伤/失踪
    • 17.causegreat damage/economic losses  造成巨大损失/经济损失
    • 18.be in ruins/fall into ruins 成为废墟
    • 19.become homeless  变得无家可归
    • 20.send out rescue teams  派出救援队
    • 21.donate/contribute money to sb.  给某人捐款
    • 22.rebuild one’s homeland  重建家园
    • 23.return to normal  恢复正常

    • 1.thunderstorm   n.雷暴,雷雨
    • 2.typhoon   n. 台风
    • 3.survival   n. 存活下来;生存者,残存物
    • 4.unbearable   adj. 难耐的,无法忍受的
    • 5.tremble   vi.  摇晃;摇动;颤抖
    • 6.drought   n. 干旱
    • 7.catastrophe    n. 大灾难
    • 8.mist    n. 薄雾;水汽
    • 9.disgusting   adj. 极糟的,令人不快的,令人厌恶的
    • 10.postpone   vt.  推迟,延期
    • 11.irrigate   vt.  灌溉
    • 12.threaten   v.  威胁
    • 13.typical   adj. 典型的,有代表性的
    • 14.symbol   n. 符号,记号,象征
    • 15.rainbow   n. 彩虹


    • cloudy 多云的

      • 例句: The weather forecast says it will be cloudy tomorrow.
      • 翻译: 天气预报说明天将会是多云的。
    • frosty 结霜的;严寒的

      • 例句: In the early morning, everything was covered in a frosty blanket.
      • 翻译: 在清晨,万物都被一层霜覆盖。
    • misty 有雾的

      • 例句: The misty weather made driving difficult.
      • 翻译: 雾天使得驾驶变得困难。
    • snowy 有雪的

      • 例句: We had a snowy winter this year.
      • 翻译: 今年我们这有一个多雪的冬天。
    • stormy 暴风雨的

      • 例句: The plane was delayed due to the stormy weather.
      • 翻译: 由于暴风雨,飞机延误了。
    • windy 有风的

      • 例句: It was too windy to fly a kite.
      • 翻译: 风太大了,不能放风筝。
    • foggy 有雾的

      • 例句: The foggy conditions caused several traffic accidents.
      • 翻译: 雾天导致了多起交通事故。
    • sunny 晴朗的

      • 例句: Let's have a picnic on this sunny afternoon.
      • 翻译: 让我们在这个晴朗的下午去野餐。
    • icy 结冰的

      • 例句: The icy road made walking treacherous.
      • 翻译: 结冰的道路使得行走变得危险。


    1. sunny then cloudy/cloudy then rainy 晴转阴/阴转雨

      • 例句: The weather today will be sunny then cloudy.
      • 翻译: 今天的天气将从晴朗转为多云。
    2. heavy showers 强阵雨

      • 例句: We experienced heavy showers this afternoon.
      • 翻译: 今天下午我们经历了一场强阵雨。
    3. weather forecast/report 天气预报

      • 例句: Don't forget to check the weather forecast before going out.
      • 翻译: 出门前别忘了查看天气预报。
    4. rains cats and dogs/pouring rain 倾盆大雨

      • 例句: It's raining cats and dogs outside.
      • 翻译: 外面正下着倾盆大雨。
    5. ill wind that blows nobody any good 有祸也有福

      • 例句: The economic downturn was an ill wind that blew nobody any good.
      • 翻译: 经济衰退是一个对任何人都没有好处的坏消息。


    • 1. What's up with him today? He has a face like thunder! 
    • 他今天怎么了?他看着怒气冲冲的。
    • 2. I'm a bit disappointed in John and David. It turned out they were only fair-weather friends. 
    • 我对约翰和大卫有点失望,原来他们不过是靠不住的酒肉朋友。
    • 3. Don't worry about those two arguing, it's just a storm in a teacup. 
    • 不用为他俩的争执担心,他们不过是小题大做罢了。
    • 4. The exam was a breeze. 
    • 这次考试真是太容易了。
    • 5. We're snowed under at work. 
    • 我工作忙得不可开交。
    • 6. They're blowing hot and cold over this issue. It's impossible to know what they want! 
    • 他们在这件事情上摇摆不定,根本不可能知道他们到底想要什么!
    • 7. He's always working in his garden — come rain or shine.
    • 他总在花园里干活,风雨无阻。
    • 8. I don't want to spend this extra money. I'll save it up for a rainy day. 
    • 我不想把这些额外收入花掉,我打算存起来以备不时之需。
    • 9. I'm going to see which way the wind blows before asking her about a raise. 
    • 我打算先观察一下形势,然后再提加薪的事。
    • 10. You'll steal her thunder if you wear that dress tonight! 
    • 如果你今晚穿那条裙子,你会抢了她的风头的!


    • 1. As long as it doesn't rain.
    • 只要不下雨就行。
    • 2. It's going to be cloudy tomorrow.
    • 明天将是阴天。
    • 3. It looks like rain.
    • 看起来要下雨。
    • 4. I guess it's going to rain.
    • 我想要下雨了。
    • 5. The paper says it might rain this evening.
    • 报纸说今天傍晚可能要下雨。
    • 6. It's wet and cloudy.
    • 天气潮湿阴沉。
    • 7. The rain is coming down.
    • 雨已经下下来了。
    • 8. The rain is pouring down.
    • 大雨倾盆而下。
    • 9. It's coming down outside.
    • 外面在下倾盆大雨。
    • 10. It's raining cats and dogs.
    • 天正下瓢泼大雨。
    • 11. It's thundering and lightening.
    • 雷电交加。
    • 12. I hope the rain will stop soon.
    • 我希望这场雨会很快停下来。
    • 13. The rain seems to be stopping.
    • 雨看来渐渐停了。
    • 14. It'll clear up soon.
    • 天很快就会放晴。
    • 15. It seems to be cleaning up.
    • 天似乎要转晴。
    • 16. Some of the street are almost flooded with rain.
    • 有些街道几乎被雨水淹了。
    • 17. We had a lot of rain this winter though.
    • 但是我们今年冬天下了很多雨。


    • 1. I think there will be a strong wind.
    • 我想可能要刮大风了。
    • 2. Today's a windy day.
    • 今天外面刮大风。
    • 3. It's blowing hard.
    • 风刮得很大。


    • 1. I'm afraid it won't be cold enough for a snowfall.
    • 恐怕天不会冷的下雪。
    • 2. It's starting to snow outside.
    • 外面开始下雪了。
    • 3. It's snowing heavily.
    • 正在下大雪。
    • 4. The snow won't last long.
    • 雪不会持续太久。
    • 5. How much snow do you have in the winter in this area?
    • 你们这个地区冬天下多少雪?
    • 6. The average snowfall each year is about two feet.
    • 每年平均降雪量大约两英尺。


    • 1. It's Africa hot.
    • 非洲般的热。
    • 2. It's extremely hot and muggy.
    • 天气非常闷热。
    • 3. It's blazing hot outside .
    • 外面很炽热。
    • 4. With all this moisture, it feels very muggy outside.
    • 由于湿气很重,外面很闷热。
    • 5. I felt like I was roasting inside house.
    • 在屋里我觉得跟火烤一样。
    • 6. This morning is cooler than expected.
    • 今天早上比预计的要凉快。
    • 7. It's cools down in the fall.
    • 到了秋天天气渐渐凉了。
    • 8. I hope the weather there is cold enough.
    • 我希望那儿天气够冷。
    • 9. The temperature has dropped a lot today.
    • 今天温度低多了。
    • 10. It's going to get cold fast.
    • 天气很快会变冷的。
    • 11. It's a little bit chilly out.
    • 外面有点寒冷。
    • 12. It's freezing outside.
    • 外面很冷。
    • 13. The temperature will drop below zero.
    • 气温将降到零度以下。
    • 14. It's seven degrees below zero.
    • 今天是零下七度。

