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  • 在数字化时代,直播(live streaming)成为了一个重要的社交和娱乐方式。无论是实时分享个人生活,还是进行专业的业务推广,直播都发挥着越来越重要的作用。本文将详细探讨“直播”的英文表达,帮助读者更好地理解和运用。



    Live streaming refers to the process of transmitting video and audio content in real time over the internet. This allows viewers to watch events as they happen.


    • 我们正在进行一个直播,大家可以实时观看我们的活动。
    • We are conducting a live stream, and everyone can watch our event in real time.
    • Live streaming 允许观众即时观看直播者的活动。
    • Live streaming allows viewers to watch the broadcaster's activities instantly.


    1. 社交和娱乐


    On social media platforms, individual users can share their daily lives, travel experiences, or hobbies through live streaming. The entertainment industry also widely uses live streaming for concerts, performances, or game streams.


    • 她在Instagram上进行直播,分享她的旅行经历。
    • She is live streaming on Instagram, sharing her travel experiences.
    • Live streaming 让用户可以实时分享个人生活或兴趣。
    • Live streaming allows users to share their personal lives or interests in real time.

    2. 教育和培训


    Live streaming is also widely used in education and training, where students can participate in live online classes or lectures and interact with instructors in real time.


    • 这位教授正在进行一场直播讲座,学生们可以实时提问。
    • The professor is conducting a live streaming lecture, and students can ask questions in real time.
    • 通过直播,学生们可以实时参与课程并进行互动。
    • Through live streaming, students can participate in courses and interact in real time.

    3. 商业推广


    Businesses use live streaming for product demonstrations, brand promotions, and customer interactions. Through live streaming, companies can establish a more direct connection with viewers and increase brand exposure.


    • 公司通过直播展示了他们的新产品,并与观众进行了互动。
    • The company demonstrated their new product through live streaming and interacted with the audience.
    • 直播是企业进行产品展示和品牌推广的有效方式。
    • Live streaming is an effective way for businesses to demonstrate products and promote brands.


    1. 实时(Real Time)


    Real time refers to the state where information or events are transmitted and viewed as they happen.


    • 实时更新让用户能够看到最新的信息。
    • Real-time updates allow users to see the most recent information.
    • Real time 是直播的核心特性之一。
    • Real time is one of the core features of live streaming.

    2. 互动(Interaction)


    Interaction refers to the two-way communication between the audience and the broadcaster during a live stream.


    • 直播中的互动增加了观众的参与感。
    • Interaction during live streaming increases the viewers' sense of engagement.
    • Interaction 是直播成功的重要因素。
    • Interaction is a key factor for the success of live streaming.

    3. 观众(Viewer)


    A viewer is someone who watches live streaming content.


    • 直播吸引了大量的观众观看。
    • The live stream attracted a large number of viewers.
    • Viewer 是直播过程中的关键参与者。
    • Viewers are key participants in the live streaming process.


    1. Live Streaming (直播)
    2. Streamer (主播)
    3. Broadcaster (广播员)
    4. Webcam (网络摄像头)
    5. Encoder (编码器)
    6. OBS (Open Broadcaster Software, 开源直播软件)
    7. Twitch (一个流行的游戏直播平台)
    8. YouTube Live (YouTube直播)
    9. Facebook Live (Facebook直播)
    10. Live Chat (直播聊天)
    11. Viewer (观众)
    12. Follower (关注者)
    13. Subscriber (订阅者)
    14. Tip (打赏)
    15. Donation (捐赠)
    16. Super Chat (超级聊天)
    17. Monetization (盈利化)
    18. Ad Break (广告时段)
    19. Sponsorship (赞助)
    20. Affiliate Marketing (联盟营销)
    21. Merchandise (商品)
    22. Giveaway (赠品)
    23. Contest (竞赛)
    24. Q&A (问答环节)
    25. Poll (投票)
    26. Interactive (互动的)
    27. Virtual Background (虚拟背景)
    28. Filters (滤镜)
    29. Pan (平移)
    30. Tilt (倾斜)
    31. Zoom (缩放)
    32. Panorama (全景)
    33. Bitrate (比特率)
    34. Latency (延迟)
    35. Resolution (分辨率)
    36. Frame Rate (帧率)
    37. Uptime (在线时间)
    38. Analytics (分析)
    39. Engagement (参与度)
    40. Demographics (人口统计数据)
    41. Streaming Platform (直播平台)
    42. Content Creator (内容创作者)
    43. Podcasting (播客)
    44. Co-streaming (合作直播)
    45. Multi-streaming (多平台直播)
    46. Restreaming (转播)
    47. Archive (存档)
    48. Highlight (精彩片段)
    49. Ban (封禁)
    50. Mod (版主/管理员)

