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星期八,英文? 快乐星期八玩法?英文双语对照


星期八,英文? 快乐星期八玩法?英文双语对照













1、古巴比伦人创立的星期制,首先传到古希腊、古罗马等地。古罗马人就用自己信仰的神的名字来命名一周7天:Sun′s-day(太阳神日),Moon′s-day(月亮神日),Mars′s-day(火星神日), Mercury′s-day (水星神日),Jupiter's-day(木星神日),Venus′-day(金星神日), Saturn′s-day (土星神日)。

2、现在世界各国通用一星期七天的制度。这个制度最早由君士坦丁大帝(Constantine the Great)制定。他在公元321年3月7日正式宣布7天为1周,这个制度一直沿用至今。一周7天的英文名称是Sunday(星期天)、Monday(星期一)、Tuesday(星期二)、Wednesday(星期三)、Thursday(星期四)、Friday(星期五)、Saturday(星期六)。





1. 星期八没有固定的昵称。2. 这是因为星期八在现实生活中并不存在,一周只有七天,所以没有人会给星期八起一个特定的昵称。3. 由于星期八不存在,所以没有相关的。






1. 人生就像一场马拉松,不是谁跑得最快就能赢得比赛,而是谁能坚持到最后。

2. 每个人都有自己的梦想,只要你肯努力,就一定能实现它。

3. 失败并不可怕,可怕的是你因为失败而放弃了追求梦想的勇气。

4. 每个人都有自己的价值,不要因为自己的身份或者背景而自卑。

5. 人生的路上充满了坎坷和挫折,但只要你不放弃,就一定能走到成功的彼岸。

6. 勇气和毅力是成功的关键,只有敢于迎接挑战并坚持不懈地努力,才能赢得胜利。

7. 人生没有捷径可走,只有不断努力和坚持才能实现自己的梦想。

8. 每个人都有自己的天赋和才华,只要你发掘和利用好它们,就一定能取得成功。




进场前,每位小朋友可以领取到一份小镇地图、一张E币旅行支票。  2.仔细阅读小镇地图,首先找到小镇银行位置。前往银行兑换E币旅行支票,作为游戏启动资金。也可同时办理小镇银行账户开立手续,拥有属于自己的存折和金融卡。  3.打开地图,搜寻中意工作的主题馆位置。或至小镇职业介绍中心,询问工作人员适合自己打工的主题馆位置。  4.来到主题馆前,按照辅导员指示耐心排队等候主题馆开放。如排队人数过多,可以考虑先至其他场馆游玩。  5.进入主题馆后,听从辅导员指挥,更换工作制服,完成个人卫生清洁等准备工作。   6.部分主题馆需收取一定比例的E币。在前往时,请确保手中拥有足够的E币现钞。  7.在主题馆活动期间,听从辅导员的指挥,不打闹、不嬉戏,认真完成辅导员布置的工作。  8.任务完成,辅导员会在小朋友的星期8护照上登记已学会的职业技能,并支付小朋友E币工资(仅限于职业性主题馆)。  9.小朋友手中有足够的E币的话,可以去汽车租赁店租车,去剧场买票看演出、或到纪念品店挑选心仪的礼品。也可去银行,把多余的E币存入自己的银行卡,下次来还能接着用。


One, week 8, english?

It is in English do not have this word do not use in the composition so. If you are mentioned in the talk,do not pass, american is meeting understanding.

The existence of Apresunday has its rationality, add before Sunday above all after Apre expresses, compound convention use.

Also somebody with this analogize, gave out 9 Postapresunday meaning is the week week 8 a day after, and week 10 Avantmonday, meaning for on Monday before today. The explanation that also has week of 8 presence (see below) , origin is not clear nevertheless, reliability has need checking card.

God starts a life 6 days, when the 7th day is resting, hear the world suddenly Bacchic, very grouchy, ask: ? ? of  of narrow one's eyes of coal of delay of dispatch n/HONNing be unworthy of the honor makes a noise what " . Does someone say: ? Hu of Pang of Chi of extensive Wan ぷ sentences  to teach? too little, answer to add a day again, then god adds a day after Sunday, apre-sunday, meaning namely a day after " weekday ' .

2, happy week 8 play a way?

Full name should be week of joy of Chinese welfare lottery 8 abbreviation are happy 8. Play a law to divide an award class first prize to choose 10 in amount of 10 win a prize in a lottery 5 million yuan, second-class award is chosen 9 in 9 win a prize in a lottery 300 thousand yuan, third class award is chosen 8 in 8 win a prize in a lottery 50 thousand yuan, 4 wait for award to choose 7 in 7 win a prize in a lottery 10 thousand yuan, 5 wait for award to choose 6 in 6 win a prize in a lottery 3000 yuan, 6 wait for award to choose 5 in 5 award 1000 yuan, 7 wait for award to choose 4 in 4 award 100 yuan, 8 wait for award to choose 3 award 53 yuan, 9 wait for award to choose 2 award 19 yuan, 10 wait for award to choose one award 4 6 wool.

3, week table of 8 moods article?

Week 8, let us cast busy job and study, loosen mood of one conditions or feelings of the lower levels well. In this happiness in on the weekend, we can meet together with family, enjoy cate, perhaps go out with friends journey, loosen body and mind. No matter you choose what means to spend, want to experience the happiness on the weekend adequately, those who let oneself is pleasurable, red-blooded. Week 8, it is the time that allows us to charge, also be us alone the place, opportunity that think and reviews. Enjoy this weekend, cure oneself, meet better tomorrow!

4, week 8 what be?

Week 8 = = is impossible on Feburary 30. In our regular week system, it is to do not have a week of 8, (bissextile 366 days) also do not have Feburary 30. So week 8 it is people is used speak to happen impossibly, the thing such as impossible existence.

Patulous data:

1, the week that ancient Babylonian person founds is made, pass and other places of Gu Xila, ancient Rome above all. Ancient Roman names a week 7 days with respect to the name that uses his devotional expression: Sun ′ S-day (Baal day) , moon ′ S-day (lunar god day) , mars ′ S-day (Martian god day) , mercury ′ S-day (mercurial god day) , jupiter's-day (Jupiter god day) , venus ′ - Day (Venus god day) , saturn ′ S-day (Saturn god day) .

2, world each country is general now systems. This system is the earliest Ding Dadi of calm of You Jun person (Constantine The Great) make. He announces formally 321 years on March 7 7 days to be 1 week in the Christian era, this system all the time continue to use up to now. A week English name of 7 days is Sunday (on Sunday) , Monday (on Monday) , Tuesday (Tuesday) , Wednesday (on Wednesday) , Thursday (on Thursday) , Friday (on Friday) , Saturday (on Saturday) .

3, world each country is general systems. Cuba of the earliest traceable compares these tags human relations. BC 7 to 6 centuries, babylonian person had a week to make. They create 7 stars world sacred star god. 7 stars altar from the top down is ordinal for day, month, fire, water, wood, gold, earth 7 gods, babylonian person names everyday with a god.

5, week 8 movies big ending?

Big ending is Zhang Yuxin deserves the punishment was imprisoned, two support of the people solve Yun Zhe and Yun Kai, liu Saichen goes abroad, zhang Guo also had a good final result with Yun Kai if really, two people were together, and still had the child, because the daughter's blow is foolish,do not cross the foster mother of piece of fruit fruit, and her one's own mother is right also Zhang Guo fruit very ashamed remorses, compunction spends this to be born.

6, about the week the nickname of 8?

1.Week the 8 nicknames that did not secure. 2. Because 8 in actual life do not put the week in,this is, a week has 7 days only, do not have a person to be able to give a week 8 cases a specific pet name so. 3. As a result of the week 8 nonexistent, do not have so relevant.

7, why to have a week 8?

Week the 8 code name that are Sunday, a kind of sale that is hotel sale is politic, be a kind to attract the method of more clients. Arabic numerals day of 8 be similar in shape, so week the 8 code name that are Sunday. The hotel runs way to innovate, also to attract a customer, because this had a public house,hanging the phenomenon of week of flag of 8.

Week 8 do not exist as a result of it and be consist in only in the imagination of people, so a lot of shop can use this name to regard inn as the name, and week 8 also can represent nonexistent, for instance week 8 meet, representing also won't meet again

8, week ana of annals of 8 films encourage?

It is below a few come from the film " week 8 " encourage annals ana:

1.Life resembles a marathon, not be who runs the most quickly to be able to win the contest, however who can hold to finally.

2.Everybody has his dream, want you to agree hard only, can come true certainly it.

3.Failure is not terrible, terrible is the courage that you abandoned because of failure pursueing a dream.

4.Everybody has his value, do not want the identity because of oneself or setting and self-abased.

5.Twist and setback were full of on the road of life, but want you not to abandon only, can walk along successful the other shore certainly.

6.Courage and perseverance are successful key, dare to meet a challenge only and unremitting ground tries hard, ability wins a victory.

7.Life can go without shortcut, have ceaseless effort and the dream that hold to ability him implementation only.

8.Everybody has his endowment and talent, want to you disentomb and had used them only, can gain a success certainly.

9, week 8 article table?

Week 8, let us cast busy job and study, loosen well. In this happiness in on the weekend, we can meet together with family, enjoy cate, perhaps go out with friends journey, loosen body and mind. No matter you choose what means to spend, want to experience the happiness on the weekend adequately, those who let oneself is pleasurable, red-blooded. Week 8, it is the time that allows us to charge, also be us alone the place, opportunity that think and reviews. Enjoy this weekend, cure oneself, meet better tomorrow!

10, week strategy of 8 small towns?

Before entering the arena, every child can get money of a piece of map of a small town, E traveller's check. 2. Read small town map carefully, find place of small town bank above all. E money is converted toward the bank before traveller's check, start fund as game. Also can deal with account of small town bank to open formalities at the same time, have the bankbook that belongs to oneself and financial card. 3. Open a map, seek the thematic house seat of favorite job. Or introduce a center to small town profession, enquire the staff member fits the thematic house position that he works. 4. Come to the front of thematic house, according to the counsellor the directive queues up to await thematic house to open patiently. If queue up the number is overmuch, can consider to come first other place amuse oneself. 5. After entering thematic house, comply with assistant director, change the job is subdued, the preparation such as cleanness of sanitation of the individual that finish works. 6. Partial theme house wants collection money of certain proportional E. When head for, ensure to enough E money is had to show paper money in the hand please. 7. During thematic house activity, comply with the counsellor's direct, do not fight noisely, do not play, complete the work that the counsellor assigns seriously. 8. The task is finished, the counsellor can go up in week of 8 passports of the child register the professional skill that already learned, pay child E money salary (be confined to house of professional sex theme) . 9. If there is enough E money in child hand, can go the car inn that rent rents a car, go the theater buys a ticket to see souvenir shop chooses the gift that admire in the heart show, or. Also can go to a bank, block the bank that surplus E money stocks him, will still can be used then next time.
