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永川区隶属重庆市,位于长江上游地区, 重庆西部,地处东经105°38′~106°05′、北纬28°56′~29°34′。东连江津区、璧山区,西接荣昌区、大足区,北界铜梁区,南临四川 合江县、泸县,是成渝经济区的节点城市、重庆城市发展新区的重要板块,历来是重庆西部和川东南地区重要的商业物资集散地和政治、经济、文化中心。





永川区位于长江上游北岸,地处东经105°38′~106°05′、北纬28°56′~29°34′之间;东邻 江津区,东北靠 璧山区,北界 铜梁区,西接 荣昌区,南与四川 合江县、 泸县接壤。幅员面积1576平方公里。


永川区地质构造属扬子准地台重庆地台向斜的一部分,为新华夏系次级沉降带,川东南弧形褶皱带华莹山带状褶皱永川帚状褶皱束;境内云雾山、巴岳山、黄瓜山、阴山、箕山5 条低山山脉呈东北-西南走向,成川字排列。


永川区属于 亚热带季风性湿润气候,全年平均气温17.7℃。年平均降雨量1015.0毫米,平均日照1218.7小时,年平均无霜期317天。










Cate of special local product has:

Astral lake fish

9 bowls big

Quick-boil soup flesh

Yong Chuangui spends cake

Peppery Shang Yuan

Always plain skin egg

Always plain broomcorn wine

Always plain beans Chi

Always plain banger

Cate of special local product has: Dish of lysol head knife

Characteristic is fastfood have: Plain grain hemp is hot string string, hand of hot pink of acid of cool shrimp of either end of a bridge of cogongrass guy face, 5 board bridges, upper reaches, red river catchs smoked bean curd

Always plain

Always plain area is subject Chongqing city, be located in area of upper reaches of the Yangtse River, chongqing western, be located in the east longitude 38 ′ of 105 ° 106 ° of ~ 05 ′ , north latitude 56 ′ of 28 ° 29 ° of ~ 34 ′ . Area of Dong Lianjiang ferry, a round flat piece of jade with a hole in its center is a mountainous area, flourish prosperous area, large ample area is received on the west, area of bridge of boreal group copper, sichuan is faced to add up to river county, Lu county south, what the node city that is area of the economy that become change, Chongqing city develops new developed area is important board piece, all through the ages is Chongqing western center of the distribution centre of commercial goods and materials with the main area austral He Chuandong and politics, economy, culture.

Always plain area, because of " 3 rivers collect the city zone green jade, form is like seal article ' always ' word " and get a name, the Christian era county of 776 years of buy. Big Wu Liunian (1373) , answer buy always plain county, belong to Chongqing road. In May 1992, always plain remove a county to build city. In December 2006, via the State Council approval removes city to establish a division.

Whole area belongs to semi-tropical monsoon sex wet climate, area of the area of a country's territory 1576 square kilometre, census register population 1.131 million person (2015 end) , administer 7 16 street, towns, own park of amusement of sea of tea hill bamboo, theme Le Hele, the tourist attraction such as hill of satellitic lake, cucumber.

Always plain because of chiliad history, it is the blend land that Ba Yuwen turns. Chongqing always plain characteristic cate, basically have " 9 bowls big " , float soup flesh, always plain " astral lake fish " wait.

Positional condition

Always plain area is located in bank of north of upper reaches of the Yangtse River, be located in the east longitude 38 ′ of 105 ° 106 ° of ~ 05 ′ , north latitude 56 ′ of 28 ° 29 ° of ~ between 34 ′ ; Area of Dong Linjiang ferry, northeast relies on Bi Shan area, area of bridge of boreal group copper, flourish prosperous area is received on the west, border on of river county, Lu county closes with Sichuan south. Area of the area of a country's territory 1576 square kilometer.

Geological landforms

Always construction of plain area geology belongs to raise child the one part of syncline of platform of accurate platform Chongqing, be new an ancient name for China is sub sedimentation belt, plain southeast arc drape takes Hua Ying hill is banding drape drape of Yong Chuanzhou shape bundle; Mountain range of 5 low mountain shows hill of hill of hill of churchyard cloud and mist, Ba Yueshan, cucumber, the Yinshan Mountains, dustpan northeast - southwest trend, cheng Chuan word is arranged.

Climate feature

Always plain area belongs to semi-tropical monsoon sex wet climate, annual is average air temperature 17.7 ℃ . Year average rainfall 1015 millimeter, average sunshine 1218.7 hours, year average frost-free period 317 days.


Up to in April 2015, total course of development of whole area highway achieves 2802 kilometers, road network density achieves kilometer of every 100 square 178 kilometers, town (street) rate of rate of unobstructed rate, administrative village understand, administrative village unobstructed all is achieved 100% . Whole area has company of road passenger transport company of 11 the home, freight business of 45 the home, maintenance 382, drive school 12, have guest, freight to lose car 7783 (passenger car of line of its middle shift 913, bus of the city zone 227, taxi 540, village village opens a passenger train 109, van 5994) , year passenger traffic volume 66.47 million person-time, freight measures 32.76 million tons. One class passenger station 2 (always plain car terminal, always plain passenger transport center) , 4 class passenger station 11, town (street) reach administrative village to connect a passenger car to lead 100% . Churchyard the Yangtse River 21.5 kilometers, inland river channel 73.3 kilometers, always plain investment of dock of first phase of two operation area uses port area loose to irrigate, Zhu Tuo. Existing shipping company 2, haven enterprise 3, shipping shipping 70, among them: Freight shipping 62, total carring capacity ton forty-two thousand three hundred tons, volume of special purchases for the Spring Festival two million four hundred and sixty-seven thousand five hundred tons; Passenger transport shipping 8, total stranger 198.

Did not come 5 years, strive total course of development of be open to traffic of whole area highway achieves 3500 kilometers above, highway density achieves kilometer of every 100 square 220 kilometers above; Implementation is connected to diplomacy quick change, unifinication of urban and rural traffic, government serves standardization, aggrandizement promotes change on the west position of integrated traffic hub.

Highway respect: Build basically " annulus of 4 second year in high school 10 shoot much couplet " framework road network. Advance freeway network construction, build Chongqing 3 annulus freeway always plain paragraph, always plain (Shuang Feng) , Jiang Jin (double blessing) , 9 dragon slope (Hua Yan) line of the link austral freeway, Yong Chuandong freeway, freeway of the Cheng Yu that finish always plain paragraph enlarge can be transformed. Build always plain to Cheng Yu the backbone highway such as line of link of new city of bridge of line of contact of multiple track freeway, harbor, rebuild main road 400 kilometers, hard oil changes rural highway 1200 kilometers.

Haven respect: Accelerate always plain port area construction, form radiation plain Guizhou to border the portal hub harbor of the area. Build operation area of Zhu Tuo, loose to irrigate berth of 3000 tons of class 5, berth of 1000 tons of class 5, strive haven goods year take in and send out in large quantities ability 12 million tons (contain box of 300 thousand mark) .

Railroad respect: Build " one hub 4 artery one branch line " railroad network system, aggrandizement always plain (change on the west) railroad hub. Implementation becomes have transport service of special railway line of change railroad passenger traffic, advance change railroad always plain paragraph enlarge can be transformed, strive for the pass through the territory of a country that start always plain Yu Kun railroad, close plain, cupreous bridge, always plain, railroad of border of Jiang Jin city and Zhu Yang brook, garden of harbor bridge industry, construction of by-line of Lu city freight.

Field station respect: Accelerate node traffic to build, compose is built " big through traffic, 0 change, without seam coupling " new structure. Plan and construction always plain the city zone (made of baked clay child spread) hub of traffic of an organic whole of fair molten iron of new city of hub of freight of fair iron of field of hub of fair iron passenger transport, Shuang Feng and harbor bridge.

Airport respect: Emergency treatment aid answers in order to build change to divide a center to be target and chance on the west, active plan and construction always plain general aviation airport, the lash-up in assuming area air saves help job, expand business of flight of low altitude business affairs.
