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粉色上衣和蓝色的牛仔裤子是非常搭配的! 牛仔裤款式有长短之分,宽窄之别,松紧各异,下面我将具体的、全面的指导你如何搭配各种款式的牛仔裤。



2、男士牛仔裤搭配牛仔衫:白色的牛仔裤配白色的牛仔衫,内穿自然色系的T恤,是一款得体的搭配。当然,蓝色的牛仔裤尽可以配蓝色的牛仔衫,只是,牛仔衫裤相配时,应注意上下衣裤的色泽,即应选择同样褪色程度的衫裤。男士牛仔裤搭配T恤衫:蓝色牛仔裤配白色T恤衫可谓是最“正统”的搭配,胜在年轻朝气。各名牌T恤中,最受注目的也许是Hanes的产品。挑选一件尺寸较小的Hanes T恤,浇上开水,使其更缩小些,直至穿在身上稍稍嫌紧。配上直筒型牛仔裤,十分潇洒。男士牛仔裤搭配西服上衣:西服上衣里穿格子图案的衬衫,再系上领带,配直筒型牛仔裤为最佳。西服上衣、衬衫及领带的选择要谨慎。西服上衣可选三粒钮扣的款式,以显得随意。搭配一件颜色篇简单的格子衬衫,穿着牛仔裤可以把衬衫收起,搭配一条简单的黑色皮带。如果这时再搭配一双平时红色的牛津鞋或者休闲鞋就非常时尚,而且也不失商务庄重哦! 男士牛仔裤搭配运动鞋,是牛仔裤搭配服饰中不可或缺的组成部分。不过牛仔裤与运动鞋及T恤衫的搭配是最最“小儿科”的,只有选一条细节或款型上不普通的牛仔裤,才能不同凡响。

3、女子浅蓝色的牛仔短裤,贴身得体。上身搭配简单的白色T恤,效果会很显瘦。牛仔短裤搭配针织衫可以很好的防晒,防风。深色牛仔短裤搭配短袖,外面穿上针织衫,很淑女。上面搭配吊带,能衬托肌肤很白润、光滑,是很清凉的搭配。牛仔短裤搭配纯色衬衫 ,是帅气十足的一身搭配。上身的衬衫,剪裁很宽松。而牛仔短裤是显瘦款的,这种上宽下紧的对比搭配效果不错! 紧身款的牛仔短裤搭配黑色西装是简单大方的样式,很显身材。这种搭配会有职场达人的味道。秋冬的牛仔短裤和打底袜是紧紧相依的,毕竟爱美也要保暖。当然深色的袜子会好一点,上身搭配浅色针织小衫,很俏皮的感觉。牛仔短裤与呢子大衣在秋冬的组合尤为顺眼,组合衬衣、毛衫或者呢绒T恤,唱K抑或吃饭,脱去大衣,里面又是一套装束!


The bull-puncher trousers of pink jacket and blue is very tie-in! Jeans design has the branch of accident, of size not, degree of tightness each different, below my general is specific, coach how you match in the round the jeans of all sorts of design.

Because the men and women is clad tie-in each different, and I solve problem do one's best extensive and comprehensive, ask the collocation that you agree with under the choice:

1, the schoolgirl wears blue-black jeans appropriate to match rice white unlined upper garment of blue-black letter T-shirt, take the coat of red of khaki, apricot, wine. Want to consider seasonal factor, in the summer, bull-puncher skirt can with follow shoe of sandal, flat high to match easily, if not be afraid that hot word is OK still,match with board shoe, sneaker. In winter, the tie-in can of bull-puncher skirt and boots says classical. Want to add the render of an enough heat preservation inside only, the jeans can follow the boots look collocation of aleatoric appearance. Consider the pattern of the jeans even. Straight canister jeans, had better match the leather shoes of small band, recreational shoe and travel shoe, noticing leather shoes had better be garden head or big head dummy. The collocation of color respect, if be black or brunet jeans, the proposal matchs black, Brown leather shoes, recreational shoe and travel shoe, light jeans matchs light corresponding shoe, such doing make color contrast is balanced as far as possible and not maladjusted. Little trouser legs or bounce jeans, this type jeans also is the most fashionable, foremost defended dress law. Trousers proposal does not want too long, because what want,tie-in is leather shoes of leather boots, high side, Gao Bangxiu idle shoe or shoe of high side travel. Consider style of jeans whole formative even, and jacket and a few deserve to act the role of collocation one case. For instance the collocation of white shirt close-fitting pants is classical really medium classical, but want to wear a fashionable to want to join shed an element when season. The shirt of short sleeve length of slender clipping and large hot sheet taste bull-puncher narrow the collocation of fade trousers, the obi that needs to add a straightforward line only and slope follow a shoe, build the neuter view that give to let you be in a variety of colour more times show extraordinary. Want to clear up the design of the jeans again, combine specific season, undertake collocation according to his be fond of again, ability wears the individual character that gives you and color.

2, unlined upper garment of bull-puncher of man jeans collocation: White jeans matchs bull-puncher unlined upper garment of white, the T-shirt that natural look fastens is worn inside, it is a decent collocation. Of course, blue jeans all can match bull-puncher unlined upper garment of blue, just, when pants of bull-puncher unlined upper garment is suitable, should notice the colour and lustre of fluctuation garment pants, should choose to fade likewise namely the pants of unlined upper garment of degree. Unlined upper garment of T-shirt of man jeans collocation: Blue jeans matchs it may be said of white T-shirt unlined upper garment is most " lineal " tie-in, get the better of in young spark. In T-shirt of each famous brand, most get the product that those who fix eyes on perhaps is Hanes. Choose the Hanes T compensate with a lesser dimension, irrigate on boiled water, make its some more contractible, till wear,on the body in a way is disrelished close. Deserve to go up straight canister jeans, very cheesy. Jacket of suit of man jeans collocation: The shirt of grid design is worn in suit jacket, again strung cravat, match straight canister jeans to be optimal. The choice of suit jacket, shirt and cravat wants discretion. Suit jacket is optional the design of 3 button, in order to appear optional. Tie-in a color piece simple grid blouse, dress jeans can pack up the shirt, tie-in a simple black leather belt. If match again at this moment,a pair of gules at ordinary times Oxford shoes perhaps lie fallow the shoe is very fashionable, and also do not break business affairs grave oh! Sneaker of man jeans collocation, it is the indispensable component in jeans collocation dress. Nevertheless the collocation of the jeans and sneaker and T-shirt unlined upper garment is most most " pediatric " , choose a detail only or paragraph go up not common jeans, ability is outstanding.

3, the bull-puncher knickers of woman shallow blue, close-fitting and decent. The white T-shirt with tie-in and simple blouse, the effect is met very show thin. Tie-in sweater can prevent bull-puncher knickers very well bask in, windbreak. Short sleeve of collocation of brunet bull-puncher knickers, sweater is put on outside, very fair maiden. Tie-in condole is taken above, can foil skin is very white embellish, smooth, it is very cool and refreshing collocation. Shirt of simple look of bull-puncher knickers collocation, it is handsome very all over the body is tie-in. The shirt of the upper part of the body, cut out is very full. And bull-puncher knickers shows tight money, this kind of comparative and tie-in result that gets on next wide tightening is right! The business suit of black of bull-puncher knickers collocation of tight money is the style that experts simply, very show a figure. This kind of tie-in meeting has duty field to amount to the person's flavour. Bull-puncher knickers of Qiu Dong and render socks are closely of depend on each other, love the United States to also want heat preservation after all. Brunet of course sock will be a bit better, small unlined upper garment of knitting of light color of collocation of the upper part of the body, very nifty feeling. The combination of bull-puncher knickers and woolen cloth coat in Qiu Dong particularly pleasing to the eye, unlined upper garment of assorted shirt, wool or woolen cloth T-shirt, sing K or to have a meal, shuck off a coat, an attire is inside!

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