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中国为什么没有现代科学贡献?中国的现代没有科学的贡献,但不表明中国古代的智慧中没有科学的内容。为什么我们现在没有中国的现代科学贡献? 因为我们没有学会科学的真正方法,没有学到科学的真正精神,无法用西方的科学方法来发现中华古老智慧中的科学内涵,现在几乎所有的分科学都来源于西方,西方的科学精神,他们可以从失落的玛雅文化中,发现宇宙文明,他们会一直建立一种科幻式未来的星际文化,打造一种时尚文化,流行全世界,这是西方人善于运用科学,这是西方人的科学方法与科学精神的体现。中华古老的智慧中,有许许多多超科学的内容,中华古老的智慧中有来源于宇宙的大智慧科学内容,这些内容他是不可思议的,这内容,他对人类的未来至关重要。这些内容我们能够打开的应用与时代,他们迅速提升全人类的文明,我们能不能用西方的分科学来研究运用于时代呢?如果我们能够做到这一点,那么现在的中国就有了他的真正科学。但是到目前为止,我们还无法拎清中华智慧与西方科学的关系。一个看似十分清楚的问题,但是就是大脑转不过弯来,总有一些的人要求古人有没有科学。但就是不能反省自己,有没有真正科学的方法?科学的精神?要求古人具备现代科学分科学的形式,而不是我们现代的中国人去发现真理建立分科学来应用于时代,这不是一个非常滑稽的笑话呢?为什么会形成这种奇葩现象?因为长久以来,我们只知道搬运山寨西方的文化,从来没有意识到自己可以创造我们自己的科学。我们把中华智慧系统与西方的科学知识系统融合起来,我们就能开启一个中国现代文明的智慧科学时代,这个智慧科学有别于西方的文化,是对西方科学的提升。这种智慧科学,它能把哲学、宗教、科学融合回归大道本源,让西方科学许许多多能够迅速突破达到究竟之地,各种各样的好处说之尽,人类的文明也可能进入宇宙级的层次。



西方科学的精神 对于科学来说 ,一切未知的领域都是他研究的对象,占星术,在中国认为是迷信的东西,西方的科学家们他们也会拿这些现象研究一番,如果有所发现,这就是科学的发明,如果没有发现,他们或许也会对此进行科幻一番,西方人这种科学的精神,对我们中国人来说是相当陌生的,中国人学西方的文化100年,远远没有学到这种精神。我们不妨假设一番,如果我们用西人的这种精神来对待中国古老的智慧,西方的科学文化与中华文化,早就能并列存在形成了平衡运化的大体系,这里面的创造应该是无穷的。这种假设当然不存在,我们所做的刚好与此相反,我们用科学来打量中华的一切因为都是不科学的,最鲜明的例子就是对中医的看法,这样的结果就是,我们用科学来摧残了中华文化,直到今天,我们还不会大创造,基本上都是一直在搬运西人的成果。

不要把科学与传统文化对立起来。不要用西方的二元对立思维来观察东西方文化。中华文化中有没有科学呢?这不是第一问题。西方的科学家们,他们能从中华的智慧里面寻找到科学的启迪,比如二进制与电脑。比如玻尔的量子与太极,这种例子很多。为什么要执于名相,而不对问题的事再进行沟通呢? 的确,中国没有科学一词,但是中国古老的文化对许多领域对于完美究竟的答案。能够了知事物的本质,这才是至关重要的。我们要研究中华文化中没有科学一词,但手为什么他能究竟真理?为什么西方的科学非常发达,但却带来了无穷的末日危机。我们学西方的文化100年,至今我们还纠结在科学的有与无,哲学、宗教的有与无,这表明我们没有真正把握科学的精神,对于中华古老智慧也没有深入的了解,基于这样的层面,来研究中华文化与西方的科学文化,这如何能融合呢!?只能是对立的,只能是非此即彼的取舍,这无益于中华文明的继往开来,也对西方的科学没有真正的帮助。事实的情况是,中华的智慧能够对现在的西方科学有巨大的指导作用,但是我们没有往这个方面去研究,我们还仅仅停留在表皮的研究,这种研究落于两边,这会让我们纠结于困境,这个困境,表明研究东方文化与西方文化的人,他还没有学到中华智慧,这才是问题的根本所在。









平时则放荡冶游,考试则熟读讲义,不问学问之有无,惟争分数之多寡。 试验既终,书籍束之高阁,毫不过问。敷衍三、四年,潦草塞责,文凭到手, 即可借此活动于社会,岂非与求学初衷大相背驰乎?








" Chinese wisdom is in useful now "

The greatest now historian is fatidical: Chinese civilization will initiate newest civilization for human society.

We can see such article repeatedly.

But the mechanism that we never think of to study here face is immanent.

We can discover, china's old wisdom, the foreground that cites in this times?

We are to await later generations, perhaps say others studies however?

China is old wisdom, in this times, can revive, he must have a base, can apply in our reality namely.

We become the illusion that be less than this where is empty sky.

Why can present western science circulate whole world ah? Because,be of western culture practical.

Can old wisdom accomplish China this?

The problem here depends on, we did not understand too to old wisdom.

What is old wisdom. Still have what content. We can each person obtain this kind of wisdom?

If we can obtain old wisdom, so, we, not be to discussing this issue, we are in the instantly of our life, in our actual society, in the thing Fang Wen spends the period of intense competition, we can discover, it is the show part of wisdom everywhere.

We can accomplish this, the future that is not the world so belongs to China, however the world of our instantly, the reality of instantly, it is the Taoist or Buddhish rites that belongs to Chinese wisdom.

Do not put the end to distant future, this is not Chinese wisdom.

Chinese wisdom is in the before showing life of our instantly, be in of our instantly read aloud in can show.

We should learn the method of this kind of wisdom, the methodological open that we want to use this kind of wisdom we this some wisdom is smooth. Such word, so future does not belong to a Chinese, and belong to our contemporary Chinese.

Wisdom philosophy of China, wisdom is scientific.

In China culture, just have final result of the universe. Is the extraterrestrial had in the universe? Have in the universe advanced outside is the star civilized? Is cosmic future how? Is the relation of person and person how? Can the mankind go in interstellar space navigation? What is the person's essence? What is recognizant essence of the person? Is person itself returned can developmental? Does the person's potential have after all how old? Does the cerebra of popular feeling and person concern how? Of the person subconscious be OK be known? The person's potential was developed, can he make the advanced life in the universe? Does high culture have our person beautiful universe what concerns? Can the mankind use vacuum energy? Does the person have promising system? The science of these problem wests cannot reply. But in China culture, these problems to perfect answer. The ancients did not say this is philosophy, this is science. But the science that we use the west is the goal that should achieve, we can decide explicitly, this is the philosophy of a kind of wisdom, this is the science of a kind of wisdom, to this, western scientist realises early, but they study the mechanism inside without development, as a contemporary Chinese, we are having a person to use the method of modern science, will undertake communication to old wisdom, apply the wisdom with old China at uptodate generation, this ability is us the great place of this age person, acceded already because of us traditional, we also had the study of creativity to western science, historical experience tells us, cent criterion two be defeated, close to exist each each. We must take shirt-sleeve route, besides the wisdom that should not isolate science at Chinese tradition.

Why doesn't China have contemporary and scientific contribution? Of China contemporary the contribution that does not have science, but the content that there is science in the wisdom that does not indicate Chinese ancient time. Why are we contributed without modern science of China now? Because we do not have the true means that learns science, did not acquire scientific real spirit, cannot discover with scientific method of the west China is old the scientific connotation in wisdom, now almost all cent originate scientificly the west, scientific spirit of the west, they can be changed from the Mayawen of lose in, discover the universe is civilized, they can build the interstellar culture of future of type of a kind of science fiction all the time, make a kind of fashionable culture, popular whole world, this is Hesperian is good at applying science, of the scientific method that this is Hesperian and scientific spirit reflect. In the wisdom with old China, have lots and lots of content that exceed science, china has in old wisdom originate content of great wisdom science, these content he is mysterious, this content, he is crucial to human future. The application that we can open these content and times, they promote the culture of complete mankind quickly, we can consider to apply scientificly with western cent at the times? If we can accomplish this, so the real science that present China had him. But so far, we still cannot carry clear China wisdom and the concern with scientific west. One sees the problem with be like very clear, but it is cerebrum do not turn to cross a turn to come, the person that always has a few asks the ancients has science. But cannot meditate namely oneself, have truly scientific method? Scientific spirit? Requirement the ancients has the form of science of contemporary division credit, is not us contemporary Chinese goes discovering the truth builds minute of science to apply at the times, is this jest of a special humourous? Why can you form phenomenon of this kind of strange flower? Because for quite a long time, we know to carry the culture of mountain fastness west only, never realize oneself can create the science of ourselves. We the confluence of scientific knowledge system China wisdom system and west rises, we can open a China's contemporary and civilized wisdom science times, this wisdom science has fasten the culture at the west, it is scientific to the west promotion. This kind of wisdom is scientific, it can return to philosophy, religion, scientific confluence highway source, make the west scientific lots and lots of can break through quickly achieve after all the ground, various advantage say all, human civilization enters the arrangement of cosmic class possibly also.

We should ask conversely now at a draught. Why cannot the west produce the knowledge of wisdom? Wisdom originates the person's nature. Wisdom is a person have clever mind originally show, because of western culture, he cannot know your essence, now although western science is special develop. But unintelligible to the essence of the person's consciousness. What he also does not know cerebrum mystery is essential, he also does not know the high energy of cerebrum is applied, to the person's mystery, what western culture understands is too little too little. Return the culture of China, to the person can after all substaintial, and built each old culture system according to this, the constant that he assured China is civilized is long bright. Contemporary west culture of the west, because they do not have wisdom system, so he is in a lot of domains cannot after all. We study intellectual system of the west, why should come strong respectively does Chinese the ancients have science? Why should we learn science to abandon the wisdom system of China! ? According to Chinese wisdom, the person can become scientific host. Depend on intellectual system of the west. The person can lose him in scientific activity. This is the germ of western doomsday crisis. The thinking that does not oppose with western n duality will oppose China culture and western culture rise, the culture that we learn to learn the west already 100 years. But the relation of wisdom of good without very good assurance still China and western science knowledge. The intellectual system of the wisdom system to China and system always is so kink, this had affected our creativity greatly actually. We still can carry the culture of mountain fastness west ceaselessly only to today, return the study west culture that cannot undertake creativity. More cannot the state of high administrative levels of science of open China wisdom. We must rapid the science the west, in the wisdom system that blends in China, such wisdom that we just can produce Chinese distinguishing feature are scientific, this is crucial to the future of complete mankind, if can accomplish this, the mankind can resolve western doomsday crisis effectively probably, the mankind can be in the universe constant is long bright. If we are returned,oppose the scientific knowledge system of China wisdom and west all the time rise. So all sorts of predicament of human life are inextricability now. We can helplessly, downfallen as doomsday crisis of the west? So the wisdom of China has science, this is not a small issue. This issue closes my China the country carries now, also matter to the destiny of human future.

How to treat old wisdom with scientific spirit?

The spirit of western science to science, all uncharted territories are the target that he studies, astrological, superstitious thing considers as in China, they also can take western scientists these phenomena study one time, if discover somewhat, this is scientific invention, if do not have discovery, they also can have science fiction one time to this probably, this plants Hesperian scientific spirit, it is quite unfamiliar to our Chinese, the Chinese learns western culture 100 years, did not acquire this kind of drive far. We might as well assume one time, if we are used,this kind of spirit of the person treats China's old wisdom on the west, scientific culture of the west and China culture, early the cardinal principle that formed balance carry to change with respect to can paratactic existence is, the creation inside this should be boundless. This kind of hypothesis is nonexistent of course, what we do just as contrary as this, because everything what we look China up and down with science is unscientific, the most clear-cut case is the view to the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, such result is, we destroyed with science China culture, till today, we return won't big creation, basically be carrying all the time on the west the person's achievement.

Do not oppose science and traditional culture rise. The binary and contrary thinking that does not use the west will observe thing square culture. Is science had in China culture? This is not the first problem. Western scientists, they can search scientific edificatory from inside the wisdom of China, for instance binary system and computer. For instance the quanta of Bo Er and too extremely, this kind of example is very much. Why to want hold at renown photograph, and does the thing of incorrect problem undertake communication again? Really, china does not have science one word, but China's old culture is right a lot of domains to perfect after all the answer. Can the essence that knows a thing, this ability is crucial. We should do not have science in research China culture one word, but hand why he can after all the truth? Why of the west develop very scientificly, but brought boundless doomsday crisis however. We learn western culture 100 years, up to now we return kink to be in have scientificly with without, of philosophy, religion have with without, this shows we did not hold scientific spirit truly, old to China wisdom also does not have thorough knowledge, be based on such level, will study the scientific culture of China culture and west, this how can shirt-sleeve! ? Can be contrary only, can dispute this namely of those accept or reject, profitless Yu Zhonghua's civilized this carry forward the cause and forge ahead into future, also do not have real help to western science. Factual circumstance is, the wisdom of China can have tremendous direct effect scientificly to present west, but we did not study toward this respect, we still stay in cuticular research merely, this kind of research falls at both sides, this meeting lets our kink at predicament, this predicament, make clear the person that studies Oriental culture and western culture, he has not acquired China wisdom, this ability is the essential place of the problem.

We learn the corrupt practice that western culture brings.

This is the malpractice that we learn western culture to bring.

Western culture is the culture of intellectual sex. Say exactly, their culture structure cent is Hesperian religious science philosophy. Why do they want 3 minutes? Religion the nature about the person. Philosophy loves wisdom, the issue that the means of settlement discusses. Science uses a case of a physically strong patient running a high fever or suffering from such disorders as stasis of blood. It is originally, but Hesperian 3 minutes. Although 3 minutes, they oppose already unite again. We learned western culture optionally, basically do not catch a cold to religion. To philosophy, we also selected the part of one part materialism only, to idealism, we are to want critically. Scientific research should become independent the person at external object besides, he emphasizes very much objective.

We see Hesperian study science first, major person has religious accomplishment, they also can obtain the training of philosophical thinking, so they ask they become independent the person at objective thinking besides, we can see this kind of scientific activity of Hesperian, the religious philosophy with them is very relevant.

We present Chinese, learned scientific knowledge only, how these knowledge come? We we need not are in charge of, we can be ignored. The itself of the problem still depends on us doing not have the about our nature education of this kind of religion, in philosophical respect? We learn philosophy basically is discriminative idealism and materialism, want to use materialistic critically idealism, the mainest, we are not the everythings on earth of observation of body and mind that will learn observe us with philosophy, survey scientific test. We coach namely with philosophy our scientific activity, but the materialistic part that we use, we can drinkable, but the mentalistic part to science, we cannot understand. Hesperian also can be created with materialism, with idealism they also can be created. But did we see? When we have scientific activity, why cannot resemble Hesperian in that way? Because do not have all control the content of western culture.

So our Chinese learns the abuse that western culture causes, discover with respect to somebody when go after:

The celebrated dictum of Mr Cai Yuanpei is epigrammatic, put still do not pass now when:

What we send this times of the body, dip excessive at sex of a kind of whole degenerate in.

At ordinary times criterion debauch smelt metal swims, teaching materials of exam criterion perusal, pay no attention to knowledge have without, the few that alone contends for a mark. Experiment already eventually, book lay aside and neglect, none bother about. Perfunctory 3, 4 years, illegible do one's job perfunctorily, diploma in one's hand, can lend this the activity at the society, be not as old as attend school original intention photograph to carry on the back gallop?

This kind of circumstance, grew in intensity in this times. A lot of people realize the existence of these problems, but the change that do not have a law. Why do these problems arrive badly such room for action? A few years we still do not have a law to solve. Because we do not understand, we learn Hesperian problem place.

We learn Hesperian to do not have the whole essential spirit method that knows Hesperian.

What this still does not know a problem is all. Of the problem depend on at all, we learn western knowledge, do not know he is intellectual system, knowledge and wisdom have vast difference, we did not have transition to these knowledge with wisdom, that is to say the intellectual system of the western science that we hold these acquiring without wisdom, this that is to say, what the intellectual system of the west that we are acquired by place grew our nature is clever bright action, we cannot do the host of these scientific knowledge, for quite a long time our heart was changed by content.

we carry western religion and mentalistic philosophy even again?

This special not actual, about the knowledge of our itself, about the knowledge of our body and mind, the ability in Chinese culture has perfect presence. We should open the door of the secret of the wisdom with old China, the intellectual culture of the wisdom culture China and west puts the use of the balance together, this ability is essential place.

Does this problem still depend on us you can understanding to old wisdom secret? Can we come with old wisdom open our endless clever can?

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