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气象灾害预警信号种类由原来的3种增加到10种,为人们所熟悉的黑色 台风预警信号将退出历史舞台。 灾害的严重性和 紧急程度,新版气象灾害预警信号总体上分为蓝色、黄色、橙色和红色四个等级(Ⅳ、Ⅲ、Ⅱ、Ⅰ级),分别代表一般、较重、严重和特别严重,同时以中英文标识,与国家的所有应急处置等级和颜色保持一致。

原有的台风、暴雨、寒冷3种预警信号的黑色预警信号将成为历史,统一以红色为最高等级,由原来的“白、绿、黄、红、黑”改为现在的“白、蓝、黄、橙、红”; 暴雨预警信号和寒冷预警信号原规定按“黄、红、黑”来分等级十种 突发气象灾害预警信号。






  红色预警是最高级别的预警。红色暴雨预警信号:3小时内降雨量将达100毫米以上,或者已达100毫米以上且降雨可能持续。  红色暴雪预警信号:6小时内降雪量将达15毫米以上,或者已达15毫米以上且降雪持续,可能或者已经对交通或者农牧业有较大影响。  红色冰雹预警信号:2小时内出现冰雹伴随雷电天气的可能性极大,并可能造成重雹灾。  森林火险红色预警:极度危险,林内可燃物极易燃烧,森林火灾极易发生,火势蔓延速度极快。  雪灾红色预警信号:2小时内可能出现对交通或农业有很大影响的降雪,或者已经出现对交通或农业有很大影响的降雪并可能持续。  霾红色预警信号:能见度小于5000米,PM2.5浓度大于500微克/立方米。  台风红色预警信号:6小时内可能或者已经受热带气旋影响,沿海或者陆地平均风力达12级以上,或者阵风达14级以上并可能持续。  雷雨大风红色预警信号:2小时内可能受雷雨大风影响,平均风力可达10级以上,或阵风11级以上,并伴有强雷电;或者已经受雷雨大风影响, 平均风力为10—11级,或阵风11—12级并伴有强雷电,且可能持续。
















One, mountain torrents early-warning and what early-warning is pluvial early-warning cent?

Pluvial cent is mountain torrents early-warning and river river water level to rise early-warning.

2, blue early-warning, maize early-warning, orange early-warning, what meaning is gules early-warning?

Blue early-warning: The rainfall inside 12 hours will amount to 50 millimeter above, already perhaps amounted to 50 millimeter above and rainfall may last.

Maize early-warning: The rainfall inside 6 hours will amount to 50 millimeter above, already perhaps amounted to 50 millimeter above and rainfall may last.

Orange early-warning: The rainfall inside 3 hours will amount to 50 millimeter above, already perhaps amounted to 50 millimeter above and rainfall may last.

Gules early-warning: The rainfall inside 3 hours will amount to 100 millimeter above, already perhaps amounted to 100 millimeter above and rainfall may last.

Patulous data

The action of blue early-warning, yellow early-warning, orange early-warning

Early-warning and forecast the change of one word, but distinction is very big. Forecast is to inform future a few days to be able to produce what weather, effect is more lasting when be being forecasted normally, include to 10 days from 24 hours, and as weather system evolve, appear likely everyday change. Early-warning basically is highlighted " alarm " show effect, have stronger action sex, there should be an action after early-warning is released.

The sex of effectiveness for a given period of time of early-warning is general shorter, if this plants rainstorm, thunder, gale paroxysmal signal of strong early-warning of calamity sex weather can shift to an earlier date 30 minutes to be released to 2 hours only normally, of hail measure ahead of schedule have 10 minutes only base coming is a few minutes, but typhoon, high temperature, cold, fire insurance suffers effect of system of large scale weather this kind, weather is stabler, measure ahead of schedule commonly can achieve hour or 24 above.

Early-warning signal is comprised by name, icon, meaning and defense measure, cent is the signal of 12 kinds of early-warning such as typhoon, rainstorm, high temperature, cold, big mist, grey haze, gale, hail, thunder, arid, fire insurance, geological calamity, the Chinese character that increased icon and English explain, with Chinese, English bilingual form is released, facilitating citizen identifies.

3, what meaning is early-warning of orange of early-warning of red of early-warning of maize early-warning blue?

Weather forecast beforehand signal color is ordinal for basket, yellow, orange, red, at the same time with Chinese and English label, represent respectively mix commonly, againer, badly fancy and serious.

Red is ritzy other early-warning, gules early-warning wants shutdown suspend class commonly, orange early-warning take second place, maize early-warning again, blue is the early-warning of lowermost grade.

For instance rainstorm blue early-warning is to show 12 hours of fall exceed 50mm, yellow exceeds 50mm 6 hours, orange exceeds 50mm 3 hours, red exceeds 100mm 3 hours, high temperature yellow exceeds 35 ℃ orange to exceed 37 ℃ red to exceed 40 ℃

Patulous data:

The Communist Party of China of signal of early-warning of sudden atmosphere calamity has 4 kinds of color, by arrive by force weak ordinal it is red, orange, yellow, blue, in all but calamity of cruel, hail, snow reachs gale of early-warning typhoon, rainstorm, high temperature, cold wave, big mist, thunderstorm, gale, sand and dust road is frozen wait for calamity of 11 kinds of atmosphere. Among them, gules early-warning belongs to urgent early-warning signal, state the condition is critical.

Sort of signal of atmosphere calamity early-warning increases 10 kinds by 3 original kinds, the signal of black typhoon early-warning that is familiar with for people place will exit historical arena. The seriousness of calamity and urgent pitch, early-warning signal divides calamity of new edition atmosphere to be mixed for blue, yellow, orange on the whole gules 4 grade () of class of Ⅳ , Ⅲ , Ⅱ , Ⅰ , represent respectively mix commonly, againer, badly particularly serious, at the same time with Chinese and English label, deal with with all lash-up of the country grade and color keep consistent.

The black early-warning signal of signal of 3 kinds of early-warning will become original typhoon, rainstorm, chill the history, unified it is highest grade with red, by original " white, green, yellow, red, black " instead present " white, blue, yellow, orange, red " ; Original provision of rainstorm early-warning signal and cold early-warning signal is pressed " yellow, red, black " will classify signal of early-warning of calamity of 10 kinds of sudden atmosphere.

4, distinction of early-warning of gules early-warning blue?

Gules early-warning. Early-warning signal divides calamity of new edition atmosphere to be mixed for blue, yellow, orange on the whole gules 4 grade (class of Ⅳ , Ⅲ , Ⅱ , Ⅰ ) , represent respectively mix commonly, againer, badly particularly serious. 16 kinds break out signal of atmosphere calamity early-warning: Typhoon, rainstorm, blizzard, cold wave, gale, sanded dust storm, high temperature, arid, thunder, hail, frost, big mist, haze, road is frozen, fire insurance of thunderstorm gale, forest.

5, the distinction of early-warning and early-warning signal?

Early-warning and early-warning signal are two concepts, but have certain connection. Early-warning is to show the event that produces to the likelihood ahead of schedule, danger or calamity undertake forecasting, evaluate, the job such as forecast, release caution information to relevant section and personnel, so that be adopted in time,answer measure. Early-warning is based on science to data, risk is evaluated and forecast the basis such as the model to undertake putting forward normally. Early-warning signal is the announcement of a kind of caution that issues in early-warning job, in order to transmits specific early-warning information to the public or relevant orgnaization. The material information that early-warning signal contains concerned incident, danger or calamity normally, level, time and place, aim to cause the vigilance of people and take precaution or lash-up step. In short, early-warning is a kind of job that forecast and forecasts, with the incident that will remind likelihood happening, and early-warning signal is transmit information of this kind of caution the public or relevant orgnaization with specific form. Early-warning signal can regard a kind of incorporate of early-warning as the form.

6, what early-warning is taller than gules early-warning?

Gules early-warning is ritzy other early-warning. Signal of gules rainstorm early-warning: The rainfall inside 3 hours will amount to 100 millimeter above, already perhaps amounted to 100 millimeter above and rainfall may last. Signal of gules blizzard early-warning: The snowfall inside 6 hours will amount to 15 millimeter above, already perhaps amounted to 15 millimeter above and snowfall lasts, the likelihood is already right perhaps traffic or farming animal husbandry has bigger effect. Signal of gules hail early-warning: The possibility that hail appears to accompany thunder weather inside 2 hours is great, cause heavy disaster caused by hail possibly. Early-warning of red of silvan fire insurance: Exceeding and dangerous, linneike lights content to burn extremely easily, silvan fire happens extremely easily, igneous situation spreads speed is splitting. Signal of early-warning of snow calamity red: The likelihood inside 2 hours appears to have the snowfall of very big impact to traffic or agriculture, the snowfall that perhaps has appeared to have very big effect to traffic or agriculture lasts possibly. Signal of haze red early-warning: Visibility is less than 5000 meters, PM2.5 chroma is more than 500 microgramme / stere. Signal of typhonic red early-warning: The likelihood inside 6 hours already perhaps endured intertropical cyclone to affect, coastal terrestrial perhaps and average wind-force amounts to 12 class above, flatus amounts to 14 class above and perhaps last possibly. Signal of early-warning of thunderstorm gale red: The likelihood inside 2 hours suffers thunderstorm gale effect, average wind-force can amount to 10 class above, or flatus 11 class above, accompany strong thunder; perhaps has sufferred thunderstorm gale to affect, average wind-force is 10, 11 class, or flatus 11, 12 class are accompanied have strong thunder and lightning, and the likelihood lasts.

7, meaning of early-warning of yellow of Dongguan blue early-warning?

Dongguan blue and maize early-warning signal are Dongguan observatory basis atmosphere explores weather to change to undertake issuance according to its extent depth next, with the signal that will remind broad citizen need notices weather variation will ensure oneself safety.

Among them cent of color of early-warning signal level is a few grade, blue, yellow, orange, red, gradational become tall, what blue degree does not have yellow is deep. It is level and standard only so different just.

8, what early-warning?

1, one word English weighs early-warning for Early-Warning, can explain for: Before the danger of calamity or disaster and other need beware of happens, basis before the possibility that the rule of summary or observation get is augural, issue alarm signal to relevant section, report danger circumstance, be in in order to avoid a harm do not happen below know the inside story or the case that prepare inadequacy, thereby the losing behaviour that the bring down harm of the oldest rate causes.

2, level of early-warning of calamity of significant meteorological phenomena: Mix according to standard of intensity of climate of calamity sex weather the personal casualty that calamity of significant meteorological phenomena causes and belongings loss rate, calamity of significant meteorological phenomena is certainly general (Ⅳ class) , heavier (Ⅲ class) , serious (Ⅱ class) and particularly serious (Ⅰ class) 4 class early-warning.

9, the distinction of thunder early-warning and thunderstorm early-warning?

Thunderstorm weighs thundershower again, it is phenomenon of a kind of weather, expression moves for large-scale cloud layer, than showery want acuteness much, return companion to have discharge appearance, season of common Yu Xia.

About the early-warning of thunderstorm weather, have thunderstorm gale early-warning and thunder early-warning two kinds. Thunder early-warning signal is divided in all for Huang Chen red 3 grade, chase class to increase. The likelihood inside 6 hours produces thunder activity, may cause thunder calamity accident, for maize level. The possibility that thunder activity produces inside two hours is very large, already perhaps endured thunder activity to affect, and the likelihood appears continuously possibility of thunder calamity accident is larger for orange level. The possibility that thunder activity produces inside two hours is very large, perhaps already strong thunder activity happens, and the likelihood appears continuously the possibility of thunder calamity accident is very large for gules level.

10, the difference of orange early-warning and maize early-warning?

The action of maize early-warning, orange early-warning

Early-warning and forecast the change of one word, but distinction is very big. Forecast is to inform future a few days to be able to produce what weather, effect is more lasting when be being forecasted normally, include to 10 days from 24 hours, and as weather system evolve, appear likely everyday change. Early-warning basically is highlighted " alarm " show effect, have stronger action sex, there should be an action after early-warning is released.

The sex of effectiveness for a given period of time of early-warning is general shorter, if this plants rainstorm, thunder, gale paroxysmal signal of strong early-warning of calamity sex weather can shift to an earlier date 30 minutes to be released to 2 hours only normally, of hail measure ahead of schedule have 10 minutes only base coming is a few minutes, but typhoon, high temperature, cold, fire insurance suffers effect of system of large scale weather this kind, weather is stabler, measure ahead of schedule commonly can achieve hour or 24 above.

Early-warning signal is comprised by name, icon, meaning and defense measure, cent is the signal of 12 kinds of early-warning such as typhoon, rainstorm, high temperature, cold, big mist, grey haze, gale, hail, thunder, arid, fire insurance, geological calamity, the Chinese character that increased icon and English explain, with Chinese, English bilingual form is released, facilitating citizen identifies.

上一篇:单反和数码相机区别? 单反数码相机死机咋办?英文双语对照