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典籍定义? 名人典籍?英文双语对照


典籍定义? 名人典籍?英文双语对照


典籍(diǎn jí):1.古代重要文献的总称。在不同领域,有不同的代表性典籍。














墨家著作在六朝以后逐渐流失,原来有《墨子》 《胡非子》 《随巢子》《我子》《田俅子》 《尹佚》等墨家著作,现代所传的《墨子》只剩下五十三篇,这些篇幅是因为被道家著作《道藏》误收藏,才得以留传下来。



































Definition of ancient codes and records?

Ancient codes and records () of í of Di ǎ N J: 1. Ancient time is important the floorboard of document. In different domain, have different representative ancient codes and records.

Books of ancient time of 2. generally refer to.

Celebrity ancient codes and records?

The four Books (The Great Learning,The Doctrine of the Mean,The Analects of Confucius and Mencius)- - " the analects of confucius " " Mencius " " university " and " middle "

The five classics- - " The Book of Songs " " The Book of History " " ceremony classics " " The Book of Changes "

Is the world the earliest ancient codes and records?

October 1993, guo inn Chu Jian comes up out of land at sanded foreign county Ji Shan presses down Guo inn grave of a Hunan. This is the archaeology big discovery of resounding whole world.

Guo inn Chu Jian is the earliest former outfit book discovers on the world up to now. In all 804, have a word among them brief 726, brief on the word counts more than 13000. Via ancient writing expert research is arranged be informed, guo inn Chu Jian is entirely first 18 ancient codes and records of period of the Qin Dynasty. Its content is the Confucianist and Taoist school two groups work. Taoist school composing has " father " (armour, second, third) mix 3 pieces " too lifetime water " , confucianist composing has " black garment " , " rash Mu Gong asks child think of " , " amount to thoroughly with when " , " the five elements " , " Tang Yu's path " , " the path of faithful letter " , " become Wen Zhi " , . Well-known, the hole burning a book of Qin Shi emperor Confucianism policy makes first the commit to the flames of academic ancient codes and records with many the Qin Dynasty, but Guo inn Chu Jian buries underground greatly before this, had escaped this one disaster is difficult, be able to see light again.

Does ancient codes and records drill pronunciation?

Allusion dian3 sound, book ji2 sound, get Zuan the four tones of classical Chinese phonetics, explore Tan the four tones of classical Chinese phonetics

Is pyrolatry classical ancient codes and records?

Classical ancient codes and records basically is " Aweisida " , call commonly " Persia ancient classics " .

First ancient codes and records of Home Qin Mo?

" Mo Zi " those who be the Mohist School in a hunderd schools of the Warring States is classical. Mo Zi is advocated hold love, blame concurrently to attack, Shang Xian, still be the same as, season sign, bright ghost, die a violent death, blame bury of happy, section, husband, have research and contribution to philosophy, logic.

Mohist School composing is after 6 face gradually prediction of a person's luck in a given year, have so " Mo Zi " " Hu Fei child " " along with Chao Zi " " I child " " cropland Qiu child " " Yin Yi " wait for Mohist School composing, contemporary place passes " Mo Zi " remain 53 only, because,these length are by Taoist school composing " collected Taoism scriptures " collect by accident, just be able to stay hand down.

How does the China in ancient codes and records relate the story of ancient codes and records?

Show the content of the author's life and work through the living theatre.

How does ancient codes and records explain?

The meaning of ancient codes and records: Ancient time is important the floorboard of document. In different domain, have different representative ancient codes and records. Books of ancient time of generally refer to. Books is the mankind uses the main tool that records all success, also be the mankind blends the feeling, main agency that acquires experience of knowledge, inheritance, hard iron to the mankind begins contribution civilizedly to come. At all times and in all over the world, people always gives highest affirmation and special consideration to books. Article of division of associated state religion organizes the definition to books: Every by the press (business) publish do not include cover and back cover inside the presswork of 49 pages above, have specific title and authorial name, make up have ISBN. The publication that have a price and obtains copyright protection calls books.

Poetic dictionary book?

1, " Tang poetry 300 "

2, " Song Ci 300 "

3. " poetic word rules and forms of classical poem "

Brief introduction: Wang Li writes this book. The poetic word that mentions in the book and law exemple, it is the positive result that forefathers studies mostly, have some of opinion that is him author. The key of this book is regular, is not anthology. " rhyme " have a total objective, get rhyme picture namely crisp, as the basic knowledge that tells a reader.

4. " law of poetic rhyme of Chinese poems "

Brief introduction: This book is comprehensive, practical, simple, practical. It is abecedarian and the basic knowledge that the poet explained poetry pattern not only, and right irregular undertook an analysis with poetry, revise and contrast. Especially common people often feels, the level of poetry and lasting appeal guard a pass very hard.

Honest dictionary book?

Explain basically


Ch ú N

Guileless: Honest. Pure and honest. Chun Gu. Chun Feng (the ethos of plain honest and sincere) .


Ancient with " mellow " , wine taste is thick, pure.

Ch ú N


(Echoism. (: of original meaning of Zh ū N) ? Anxious?

〗 of Honest;pure;simple of 〖 of guileless of plain; of; of honest and sincere

Irrigate the honest of the world, the Chinese hackberrya of analyse the world. -- " south the Huaihe River child · Qi Su "

Be like: again? Nine? guileless is kind-hearted) ; Chun Gu (the fashion spirit of archaic simple and unadorned) ; pures and (honest and gentle) ; Chun Feng (honest custom) ; Chun Cui (guileless is perfect)

Flavour is grumous. Say to connect " mellow " 〖 Strong 〗

Honest, thick also. -- " 3 dark green "

Pleasant of honest wine flavour, of drink person drunk do not know each other well. -- " theory judge · is natural "

Be like: again? 9? concentration is high) ; Chun Xiong (simple and honest and powerful)

The 〖 Salted 〗 with salty flavour

Express honest bittern. -- " the left assist that pass · is fair 25 years "

Be like: again? Leek? saline land)

Connect " pure " . 〗 of dinkum 〖 Pure

Enrage with Chun Cuizhi, pang Zhimin giving birth to honest. -- " Qian Fu talks · this example "

As to the person that, pure of small honest of essence of life, and not know its put oneself in another's position. -- " mark of record of classics of · of book of the Sui Dynasty "

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