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光迅科技? 光迅科技股份有限公司好不好?英文双语对照


光迅科技? 光迅科技股份有限公司好不好?英文双语对照




公司主营业务 :光电子器件及子系统产品研发、生产、销售及技术。

公司是全球领先的光电子器件、子系统解 决方案供应商,产品用途广泛,技术含量高,行业发展空间巨大,公司是不可多得的科技成长公司。














答:光迅科技有光模块的。光迅科技推出光电一体可插拔ELS光源模块产品,产品主要应用于下一代NPO/CPO光电互联应用领域。据悉,光迅科技此次领先发布的可插拔CPO ELS自研光源模块,其光电指标要求符合OIF-Co-Packaging-FD-01.0和CPO JDF协议,支持3.2T CPO光引擎。










光迅科技股份有限公司的前身是1976年成立的邮电部固体器件研究所。 2001年,原固体器件研究所改制成立武汉光迅科技有限责任公司;2004年,依法整体变更为武汉光迅科技股份有限公司,注册资金1亿2千万元人民币, 现有员工4000余名。公司位于武汉中国光谷,主要从事光无源器件、光通信子系统以及光通信仪表的研究,开发,生产,销售和技术服务。产品包括光纤放大器、光电子系统、薄膜滤波器件、光波导器件、微光学器件,光纤器件,光通信仪表等。


One, smooth fast science and technology?

It is the company that home can realize 25G smooth chip exclusively to be produced oneself. Smooth fast science and technology devotes oneself to telegraphic market all the time, china for, resurgence is his main client, the technical window of smooth fast science and technology can produce smooth chip independently namely, its 10G smooth chip is produced completely oneself, 25G smooth chip can be produced oneself 20% the left and right sides, because mastered core technology, smooth fast science and technology may be homebred replace what imagine the space is the largest below setting.

2, is Inc. of smooth fast science and technology good?

Company advocate business Wu: ? Vinegar of sunken border of Huan of  of ⑾ of  of  of ⑸ of ⅰ of crab of cost of  of low mew of Bai You of  of Ku of badger Qian leisurely?

The company is supplier of solution of the photoelectron parts of an apparatus with banner whole world, subsystem, product use is extensive, technical content is high, industry development space is vast, the science and technology that the company is rare grows company.

The company is good business, be worth long-term investment.

3, Inc. of science and technology of Wuhan smooth fast how?

Very good

Inc. of science and technology of Wuhan smooth fast (the following abbreviation " smooth fast science and technology " ) it is the subsidiary with subordinate limited company of group of science and technology of Chinese information communication. The development that basically pursues parts of an apparatus of the photoelectron inside smooth communication domain and make.

The company is had arrive from chip the perpendicular and integrated ability of parts of an apparatus, module, be " center of technology of national cognizance company " , " demonstrative enterprise of national technology innovation " , rank 14 years continuously " Chinese smooth parts of an apparatus and auxiliary equipment and raw material have competition ability company most 10 strong " head of a list of names posted up, market share row whole world the 4th. Regard photoelectron parts of an apparatus as the forerunner of research and development, the company is assumed early or late " 863 plans " , " 973 plans " wait for project of level of of all kinds state more than 100, accumulative total takes the lead or participate in the country that draft and communication occupation standard more than 200, file domestic and international patent nearly 2000.

Current, the company is facing what be a delegate with 5G construction " new capital construction " domain, accelerate technical innovation and product development, grab seize opportunity, anchor is decided " 945 " target, to world-class photoelectron enterprise new journey strides.

Firm address: Road of lake of Tan of area of summer of river of city of Hubei province Wuhan 1

4, pay of smooth fast science and technology?

Pay of limited company of science and technology of Wuhan smooth fast is OK still.

Average wage is Inc. of science and technology of Wuhan smooth fast 9335 yuan / month, among them the wage income of 28% is located in interval 10000-12000 yuan / month, the wage income of 21% is located in interval 4000-6000 yuan / month. According to analysing data statistic, inc. of science and technology of Wuhan smooth fast award is average end of the year 10916 yuan.

5, the main product of Inc. of science and technology of Wuhan smooth fast?

Smooth fast science and technology is development of China's banner product of smooth parts of an apparatus, make and supplier. Company product includes fiber-optic amplifier module, cent answer is used implement, subsystem, optical appearance and of all kinds and fiber-optic parts of an apparatus. The product has compact structure, admirable compatibility, and high dependability, be applied at all sorts of different communication system light fast science and technology offers high-powered light to test program, be used extensively at fiber-optic communication, the network is transmitted and fiber-optic the product production that conducts feeling domain and research and development. Product of smooth fast science and technology has volume small, power comsumption is low, and the character with tall stability. The product includes to carry with table light powermeter reachs illuminant, for example much wavelengh but the smooth dynamometer that calibration or user define oneself, stability changes illuminant, broadband illuminant.

6, module of bright of smooth fast science and technology?

Answer: ? Does shelfing ligature duckweed add discharge Bo? Lv copy product of module of illuminant of LS of Wei of Hao of Buddhist templeput on the brakes of Jian of anxiety of reel silk from cocoons of badger of Yu of shoot a glance at of discipline of duckweed of 9 shelfing ligature, the product basically applies at issueing interconnection of generation NPO/CPO photoelectricity to use a field. It is reported, smooth fast science and technology precedes this release can insert unplug CPO ELS grinds oneself illuminant module, its photoelectricity index asks to accord with OIF-Co-Packaging-FD-01.0 and CPO JDF agreement, support 3.2T CPO smooth engine.

7, the position of smooth chip of smooth fast science and technology?

Home of smooth fast science and technology can realize the company that 25G smooth chip produces oneself exclusively. Smooth fast science and technology devotes oneself to telegraphic market all the time, china for, resurgence is his main client, the technical window of smooth fast science and technology can produce smooth chip independently namely, its 10G smooth chip is produced completely oneself, 25G smooth chip can be produced oneself 20% the left and right sides, because mastered core technology, smooth fast science and technology may be homebred replace what imagine the space is the largest below setting.

Border brilliance of the rising sun is achieved in is at present exclusive can mass-produced 400G counts home the company of the module that connect light, at present 400G portion has been achieved 50% , and offer the abroad tycoon such as goods cereal song, Yamaxun directly.

8, enterprise of smooth fast science and technology, concept?

Enterprise of smooth fast science and technology holds to from beginning to end " market drive " concept

9, position of industry of smooth fast science and technology?

Hello, company of this science and technology is belonged to inside industry of science and technology get military thing, also be the existence of arms of the person at the head of a procession. Because actual strength of their research and development is very abundant, economic base is more severe also at the same time.

Inside congener industry, their research achievement is best, also be the most top class to pay of their employee material benefits at the same time, the policy of plan of relevant law law that can enjoy a country because of their employee, per capita is very considerable also at the same time.

10, does smooth fast found time?

The predecessor of Inc. of smooth fast science and technology is the institute of parts of an apparatus of solid of Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications that established 1976. 2001, institute of former solid parts of an apparatus changes make establish science and technology of Wuhan smooth fast;2004 of finite liability company year, lawfully integral change is Inc. of science and technology of Wuhan smooth fast, register fund 100 million 2 ten million yuan RMB, existing employee more than 4000. The company is located in Wuhan China smooth cereal, basically pursue the research of subsystem of smooth passive parts of an apparatus, smooth communication and smooth communication appearance, development, production, sale and technology serve. The product includes system of fiber-optic amplifier, photoelectron, filmy filter, parts of an apparatus of smooth wave guide, small optical parts of an apparatus, fiber-optic parts of an apparatus, smooth communication appearance.

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