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  见素抱朴(xiàn sù bào pǔ)   “见素抱朴”语出《老子》。见:现,呈现,推出。素:没有染色的生丝。这里比喻品质纯洁、高尚的圣人。朴:没有加工的原木。这里比喻合乎自然法则的社会法律。   “见素抱朴、绝学无忧、少私寡欲”是老子提出的治国的三项具体措施。   见素抱朴意指推举圣人,实行法治,用“无为之治”取代“有为之治”,“绝圣弃智”。   《老子》曰:“大道废,有仁义。智慧出,有大伪。六亲不和有孝慈。国家昏乱有忠臣。绝圣弃智,民利百倍。绝仁弃义,民复孝慈。绝巧弃利,盗贼无有。此三言,以为文不足,故令有所属。见素抱朴。少私寡欲。绝俗无忧。”   此章主要论述:“绝圣”、“绝仁”、“绝巧”的人,都是以假面貌来掩盖自己的真实用心,尽量文饰自己的不足的地方,以达到欺世盗名的目的。只有弃智、弃义、弃利,才能够有利于社会、有利于民众。   “大道废,有仁义”意思是说:自然之“天道”被忽视、抛弃之后出现了仁义。   “智慧出,有大伪”所谓“智慧”指欺诈奸巧而言。意思是说:欺诈的思想抬头之后,就有欺国骗民的大奸人。   “六亲不和有孝慈”是指父母、兄弟、妻、子,意思是说:亲属之间不和睦的时候,这才看得出下孝、上慈的亲情。   “国家昏乱有忠臣”是说当朝政昏乱的时期,才看得出谁是忠贞的臣僚。   “绝圣弃智,民利百倍”,“绝圣”是指最狡诈的“大伪”者,而不是指爱民的贤君。意思是说:若放弃狡诈、阴谋,反而君正、民安,对于民众来说有百倍的好处。   “绝仁弃义,民复孝慈”意思是说:已经没有了一己之仁慈,虽然以最高尚的“义”去行事,也得不到民众的普遍响应,因为这种行为还是有所图的,所以应当放弃“义”的欺骗性。当欺骗性已经不存在时,民众本来就有的孝道和仁慈的心态才得以恢复。   “绝巧弃利,盗贼无有”意思是说:精明伎巧之徒,若能够放弃贪财高利的思想,那么人与人之间就不至于相互窃夺。   “此三言,以为文不足,故令有所属”全句的意思是说:以上这三句话还不能够完全、准确地表达,所以只能让大家有所熟悉,它们都各有各的特点,也就是说要从思想意识上去求得解决。   “绝圣”、“绝仁”、“绝巧”的人,都是以假面貌来掩盖自己的真实用心,尽量文饰自己的不足的地方,以达到欺世盗名的目的。只有弃智、弃义、弃利,才能够有利于社会、有利于民众。   “见素抱朴”是说思想纯真,抱定一个朴实的心态。   “少私寡欲”是说减少本来有的私心,去掉原来过多的欲念。   “绝俗无忧”是说应当放弃世俗观念,心灵才不至于受到世俗的困扰,心态平静,自然无忧无患,反而心有所属。   以上都是常人能够做到的。关键在于你愿不愿意放弃私心和贪念,从世俗中摆脱出来。不受世俗的陈旧观念所束缚,能够放弃争名、夺利的心态,就能够自然而然的超然自在。


See element holds Chinese hackberrya in the arms (ǔ of O P of à of B of ù of Xi à N S)     " see element holds Chinese hackberrya in the arms " language piece " father " . See: Now, appear, roll out. Element: Without colored raw silk. Here compares character chasteness, exalted wise man. Plain: Without the log of treatment. Here compares the social law accord with natural rule. "See element holds Chinese hackberrya in the arms, learn not to have few of care, little secret absolutely desire " 3 be the administer a country that father offers concrete step. See element holds Chinese hackberrya in the arms to mean choose wise man, practice law, with " treat do-nothingly " replace " of promising treat " , "Absolutely emperor is abandoned wisdom " . " father " say: "The highway is useless, have Ren Yi. Wisdom goes out, have big bogus. One's kin disaccord has filial piety to mother. The country is raddled have official loyal to his sovereign. Absolutely emperor is abandoned wisdom, civilian benefit is centuple. Absolutely Ren Qiyi, civilian Fu Xiaoci. Abandon benefit opportunely absolutely, bandits is not had have. This 3 character, think article is insufficient, reason makes be belonged to somewhat. See element holds Chinese hackberrya in the arms. Little secret few desire. Absolutely common does not have care. "   this chapter basically discusses: "Absolutely emperor " , " absolutely benevolence " , " absolutely artful " person, it is the real motive that will mask oneself with false appearance, as far as possible civil the insufficient place that acts the role of oneself, in order to achieve the goal of gain fame by deceiving the public. Abandon only wisdom, abandon justice, abandon benefit, ability is helpful for a society quite, be helpful for the people. "The highway is useless, have Ren Yi " means says: Natural " the day " be ignored, Ren Yi appeared after abandoning. "Wisdom goes out, have big bogus " alleged " wisdom " show con evil is artful. Means says: After con thought looks up, cheat with respect to country having bully civilian big serpent. "One's kin disaccord has filial piety to mother " it is to point to parents, brother, wife, child, means says: When harmonious is on bad terms between the relative, this ability looks reach next filial piety, on the close affection of kind. "The country is raddled have official loyal to his sovereign " it is to say to become the period with raddled affairs of state, just visit the official an associate in office that reachs who is fidelity. "Absolutely emperor is abandoned wisdom, civilian benefit hundredfold " , "Absolutely emperor " it is to point to the craftiest " big bogus " person, is not to point to the virtuous gentleman that cherish one's fellow citizen. Means says: If abandon crafty, plot, instead Jun Zheng, civilian how, have centuple profit to the people. "Absolutely Ren Qiyi, civilian Fu Xiaoci " means says: Had done not have the mercy of oneself, although with the most exalted " justice " go act, answer generally what also cannot get the people, because this kind of behavior still pursues somewhat, ought to abandon so " justice " beguiling sex. Should cheat when the gender is already nonexistent, the people with respect to some filial piety originally and beneficent state of mind just is able to restore. "Abandon benefit opportunely absolutely, bandits does not have have " means says: The person with shrewd clever ability, if can abandon the idea of avaricious usury, so between person and person unapt steal each other seize. "This 3 character, think article is insufficient, reason makes belong to somewhat " complete sentence means says: These 3 words return above cannot quite complete, accurate the earth's surface is amounted to, can let everybody be familiar with somewhat only so, they have each characteristic each, should be gotten that is to say from ideology solve. "Absolutely emperor " , " absolutely benevolence " , " absolutely artful " person, it is the real motive that will mask oneself with false appearance, as far as possible civil the insufficient place that acts the role of oneself, in order to achieve the goal of gain fame by deceiving the public. Abandon only wisdom, abandon justice, abandon benefit, ability is helpful for a society quite, be helpful for the people. "See element holds Chinese hackberrya in the arms " it is to say the thought is pure, hold the state of mind that decides a guileless in the arms. "Little secret few desire " it is to say to reduce original some self, take out crosses much desire so. "Absolutely common does not have care " it is to say to ought to abandon lay idea, the heart ability is unapt be perplexed after the flesh, state of mind is quiet, do not have care impunity naturally, instead the heart is belonged to somewhat. The ordinary person can accomplish above. The key depends on you wishing to not be willing to abandon self and corrupt read aloud, from lay in place emergence. Do not suffer lay old-fashioned concept place to manacle, can abandon contending for the name, state of mind that seizes benefit, can automatical detached and comfortable.

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