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养老金=基础养老金+个人账户养老金 个人账户养老金=个人账户储存额÷计发月数(50岁为195、55岁为170、60岁为139,不再统一是120了)基础养老金=(全省上年度在岗职工月平均工资+本人指数化月平均缴费工资)÷2×缴费年限×1%=全省上年度在岗职工月平均工资(1+本人平均缴费指数)÷2×缴费年限×1% 注:本人指数化月平均缴费工资=全省上年度在岗职工月平均工资×本人平均缴费指数 在上述公式中可以看到,在缴费年限相同的情况下,基础养老金的高低取决于个人的平均缴费指数,个人的平均缴费指数就是自己实际的缴费基数与社会平均工资之比的历年平均值。



办理地点 杭州市西湖区体育场路538号金祝大厦3楼医保经办大厅社保卡专窗 办理时间 工作日8:30-12:00,13:30-17:00 咨询方式 咨询电话: 0571-87700520 咨询地址: 杭州市西湖区体育场路538号金祝大厦3楼医保经办大厅12号窗口 
















One, length of circuit of natatorium of center of Hangzhou worker culture?

It is 25 meters. Because according to international swim couplet regulation, the circuit length of standard swimming-pool is 50 meters, and natatorium differs to suit the natant lover of administrative levels, install the circuit with many different length normally, and the circuit length of natatorium of center of Hangzhou worker culture is 25 meters, suit abecedarian and spare swimmer to undertake take exercise and training. In addition, convenient also natatorium undertakes 25 meters circuit length manage and be safeguarded.

2, the river culture center of Hangzhou external invite applications for a job?

Incorrect outside of invite applications for a job

river culture center, it may be said is me those who visit common culture place " gigantic without bully " ! This covers an area of 258 mus, total floor area makes an appointment with 320 thousand square metre (165 thousand square metre is made an appointment with on the ground among them, underground makes an appointment with 155 thousand square metre) , total investment estimation makes an appointment with 3.23 billion yuan priority discipline, basically include to visit library of museum new house, province new house, province is immaterial culture bequest house and province literature house 4 great place and establishment of relevant form a complete set.

3, how does worker doctor protect Hangzhou to submit an expense account?

Inside year of a settle accounts, the cost of medical treatment of average outpatient service that joins those who protect personnel happening to accord with cure to protect spending limits presses settle accounts of the following regulation:

1, first by individual account in those days capital pays, individual account in those days capital inadequacy pays, assume the Fu Biao since an outpatient service to allow by the individual, specific it is 1000 yuan.

2, medical treatment of accurate above part expends the Fu Biao since outpatient service, protect by worker doctor as a whole fund and individual are assumed jointly, as a whole the proportion that fund assumes is: 3 class and corresponding medical establishment (the following abbreviation 3 class medical establishment) for 76% , other medical establishment (contain 2 class and corresponding medical establishment, similarly hereinafter) for 80% , community sanitation serves an orgnaization for 86% .

3, the ginseng that chooses autograph of whole family doctor to arrange a service keeps staff, the community sanitation that its make an appointment with in the autograph serves go to a doctor of orgnaization outpatient service, as a whole fund assumes scale to be in 3 percent increase on the foundation of a 2 regulations.

4, is Hangzhou public transportation do 511 peace surround culture center a few is the station the earliest?

511 time that spend a center to Ning Weiwen can oneself go up below estimation probably: Qing Chun channel on the west mouth -- new bay is public transportation station 6:30-19:40 be issued to lower levels: New bay is public transportation station -- Qing Chun channel on the west buccal 5:00-18:0Below 0 normal circumstances, one-way 90 minutes, removed 15-30 is divided.

5, which have Hangzhou does nightly part-time job work?

This kind of problem was not carried, want to look for me to tell you a place really, area of digital recreation garden has, can hold two or more posts concurrently make phone sale, should think of other you are OK and direct check to Hangzhou talent net, exceed many

6, what is culture center? What effect does culture center have?

Culture center is the construction group that is used at presenting culture work of art inside a city or area. Build around theater or odeum normally, deploy artistic museum, public library to wait. The Sydney opern of the center of Lincoln show art that is like Newyork city, Australia. Culture center borrows show culture is arisen when the birthplace with development, as synonymous as culture source ground. Strengthen communication...

7, how is Hangzhou worker pension calculated?

Annuities of annuities = foundation + account of individual of = of annuities of account of individual of individual account annuities stores plan hair month counts frontal ÷ (it is 50 years old 195, it is 55 years old 170, 60 years old for 139, uniting no longer is 120) fundamental annuities = (worker of on guard of the year on complete province is mean monthly salary + him index changes mean monthly capture expends salary) 2 × capture expends ÷ worker of on guard of the year on complete province of 1%= of × of fixed number of year is mean monthly salary (1+ oneself are average capture expends an index) : Him index is changed mean monthly worker of on guard of the year on complete province of = of pay cost salary is mean monthly average pay expends salary him × the index can see in afore-mentioned formula, in pay expenses fixed number of year same situation falls, the discretion of fundamental annuities depends on average pay of the individual expends an index, index of average pay cost is his actual pay cost cardinal number and society the compare calendar year average of average wage.

Low be restricted to be 0.6, be restricted high to be 3. Because this is in two computation of annuities, no matter why be planted circumstance, pay cost cardinal number is higher, the fixed number of years that capture expends is longer, annuities can be jumped over tall. Of annuities getting is termless regulation, want to get life to put only, can enjoy the treatment that receives old-age pension by the month, although individual account annuities is already gone, still can continue according to original standard plan hair, besides, individual annuities even basis of year after year of worker of social on guard mean monthly of salary increase and grow.

8, can where of Hangzhou worker social security get card?

Stadium of area of west lake of city of conduction place Hangzhou 538 gold wish the road 3 buildings cure maintains the large building agency hall social security gets stuck only 8:3 of weekday of window conduction time0-12:00, 13:30-17:00 advisory means refer a telephone call: 0571-87700520 seeks advice from an address: Stadium of area of Hangzhou city west lake 538 gold wish the road 3 buildings cure maintains the large building agency hall 12 windows

9, does Hangzhou worker doctor protect can alone pay?

Not OK and alone pay.

Worker doctor is protected can be not handed in alone. Cure maintains the one share that serves as social security, it is to do not have method from break away from among social security come out, of alone pay. When the worker is entering office, the unit must want to be its pay social security, and social security contains endowment insurance, medical treatment with respect to the bag safe, birth insurance, inductrial injury insurance and unemployed insurance.

10, how is birth a place difficult of access of Hangzhou male worker used?

Male worker birth a place difficult of access submits an expense account use method

1, ginseng protect an unit to fill in " expenses of birth insurance of Hangzhou city worker pays declare a watch " (in duplicate) , build unit official seal.

2, reproductive health serves card declare couplet of registered permanent residence (Xerox) , send the photocopy with card unit unsharpness affix one's seal, need original of going along with

3, the baby is born medicine proves (Xerox) .

4, the bill of medical treatment of be in hospital when childbirth (Xerox) .

5, issued birth medical treatment diagnoses medical treatment branch proof (original) .

6, be in hospital or when leaving hospital, the anamnesis that concerns birth circumstance account (original) .

Need is in postpartum 6 months less than is declared, otherwise with respect to reject a complaint.

Additional, in before hand over those who declare material, after examine and verify is passed, that month after 20 days by accept lobby of business of bureau of odd social security reaching city 19 inductrial injury bear the window (the area belongs to an enterprise to do to a place difficult of access of company of each the city zone) the receipt that get, expenses of birth insurance salary carries the close an account that month one-time appropriate is in an unit to the worker.

Hand over those who declare material 12 days every months later, after examine and verify is passed, second month after 20 days by accept sheet to lobby of business of social security bureau 19 inductrial injury bear the window (the area belongs to an enterprise to do to a place difficult of access of company of each the city zone) the receipt that get, one-time appropriate gives the settle accounts that expenses of birth insurance salary passes second month worker place unit. The personnel that is in an unit deals with above, do not need oneself to go.
