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作为美容师,你要了解每种狗狗的脾气习性,要知道怎么让狗狗在美容台上他才不会不舒服,如果不舒服他就会动了,另外,有的狗狗胆子小,如果主人不在的话会觉得害怕,也会乱动,所以你要和要做美容的狗狗短时间就“混熟”了,要了解狗的表情 和语言!














1、核对经营资格:目前“托宠所”多数都是由宠物医院或者宠物店来创立的,主人要留心核对 经营单位的营业执照和许可证,以及相关从业人员的资格,避免把宠物送进“黑店”。

2、狗狗的食物:要为自己的出行过程中,宠物的饮食做安排,考察寄养中心为宠物提供的 食物品牌、质量等方面,最好是宠物平时习惯的品牌、种类。

3、考察场地:考察寄养中心为宠物提供的生活场所等条件如何,确保周边环境安全舒适 ,最好不要与狗狗平时所处的环境有过大差异,所以如果能在自家附近找到寄养中心是最理想 的,这样有利于狗狗熟悉并尽快适应寄养生活。


One, does school of Xi'an pet cosmetology collect fees probably how many?

This school nots ended in city of Shaanxi province Xi'an grand of beautiful of lake Yun brightness road is manorial, having a meal provide for oneself: Class of C grade level present price of 6500- of 30 days of tuitional cost price 6000. C class strengthens a cost price of 40 days of tuition: 6900- present price 6500. CB is read repeatedly least 3 months 19500.

2, does pet beautician groom how much is the school collects fees?

Average tuition arrives in 6000 yuan 8000 the left and right sides, the small-sized school that still a few compare more than 5000 cheap fund does not suggest the original poster went learning, learn to be less than a technology.

If be to consider to learn to compare a few more professional skill, consider the school of Beijing old brand, send much style school for instance this kind of industry is the biggest

3, does school of general pet cosmetology collect fees how many money?

Pet hairdressing tuition includes to groom cost, tool cost, accommodation cost is waited a moment, if learn C level courses to basically learn charge to be controlled in 6000-8000, saying tuition and the course that you learn so also is closely related, the later period that won't have a lot of collects fees learn pet hairdressing

4, does Xue Narui want poodle pet hairdressing? Pet hairdressing: ?  of ┠ fan Liu?

Of need. Probably left and right sides of a month is cut. According to you the wool of domestic dog dog gives birth to a circumstance to come.

5, how does pet beautician make pet simple minded darling do hairdressing?

As beautician, you should understand the disposition characteristics of dog of every kinds of dog, should know how to let dog dog be on hairdressing stage him ability won't be uncomfortable, if uncomfortable he can be moved, additional, some dog dog courage are small, if host is absent can feel to fear, also can move in disorder, the dog dog short time that so you want and should make hairdressing " mix ripe " , want to understand the expression of the dog and language!

6, pet hairdressing and car hairdressing which academic?

Or car hairdressing is academic, pet is not frank after all, can move in disorder incidentally.

7, does pet hairdressing learn hard?

Scientific education program: ? Pt of Xi of creek of old man of the grow whetstone that stew explains a dog to plant in detail standard and clip measure, note, the demonstrates clip orderly process of Ppt and teaching plan mixes teacher basis afternoon aggrandizement key.

The following day the teacher coachs one dog handles one person actually the way that study pet hairdressing wants to be clear about his, you consider competition ground, we learn outfit of standard learning contest, you consider set up shop, we learn pet outfit to learn modelling! Want to realize oneself study goal above all, what is fixed position but what to no matter you are,learn, you must know the level, you must understand, graph you get a picture, you must blow the dog straight!

Do not have have a skyrocketing rise, stupid do not be afraid of, because can fill frequently clumsy! Still be that adage, the master gets the door, cultivate oneself according to a religious doctrine is in individual! If you understand the trend of pet hairdressing industry, do not grind Ji, block up what you succeed is not others, it is yourself.

8, pet hairdressing foreground how?

If a pet hairdressing store opens around high-grade community, that foreground should be very good, it is very important to choose the place so.

9, the distinction of school of Cku pet cosmetology and school of common pet cosmetology?

Do not know you are which city, generally speaking you go to pet cosmetology school can learning course of C class beautician above all, the meeting after course ends the exam that once the school organizes, the competence of can get the school issues you C class beautician of pass a barrier proves, but, attention, cku association does not issue you this, the qualificatory card that wants to obtain Cku must sign up the exam that attends Cku to hold, the ability of pass a barrier obtains the letter that issues to Cku.

Want the word of pet shop, having letter actually is not very demand, but what you want at least to do hairdressing is good, the someone won't say into the door the certificate that looks at you set his mind at, those who look is the achievement after your hairdressing, if the client feels pretty good very satisfactory calculate you to do not have certificate other people to still also can come again, if feel you are cut so that be no good,won't come the 2nd times again for certain, the word says, if be the sentence that you just began to learn, study is not over to take certificate to be able to be cut well, at least wants half an year to jackaroo to add an exercise to fathom ability to cut better more slowly more, the preexistence after suggesting you learn is other pet shop works for some time, the knowledge that feels to need to use mastered, in set up shop the likelihood is led successfully a few bigger.

10, how does fosterage of pet of pet fosterage rate collect fees?

Each district price is different, see the environment of pet shop, what bring dog food oneself commonly is a few yuan a day, do not take the expensive place of dog food, and if dog dog type of build or figure is great, the price is a bit higher, if type of build or figure is small with respect to the price a bit lower. Dog of dog of pet shop fosterage note:

1, check management qualification: At present " hold in the palm bestow favor on place " majority is by pet hospital or pet shop will found, host should leave a heart to check the business charter of management unit and licence, and relevant the qualification from personnel of course of study, avoid to send pet into " black inn " .

2, the food of dog dog: In wanting those who be oneself to give a course, the food of pet makes arrangement, research the food brand that fosterage center offers for pet, field such as quality, had better be the brand that pet is used to at ordinary times, phyletic.

3, inspect place: The condition such as the living room that inspects fosterage center to be offerred for pet how, ensure circumjacent environment safety is comfortable, had better not as located at ordinary times as dog dog environment has had big difference, if fosterage center can be found around oneself,be optimal so, be helpful for dog dog be familiar with so and get used to fosterage to live as soon as possible.

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