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WII跑步游戏? 跑步游戏过程?英文双语对照


WII跑步游戏? 跑步游戏过程?英文双语对照
















① 开始起步的时候是最难的部分,你先要感觉这个人的前后晃动,感觉一下他的重心,假如他的身体比较靠后,那么他的中心就在后面的脚上,这时候你可以迈前面的脚,相反,如果这时候重心在前,你可以迈后面的脚。我们先来学最稳定的起步方法,在中心靠后的时候,我们按下W键,迈出左脚。

② 迈出左脚以后,持续按w键,不松手,知道下面这个姿势的时候,再按下O键,让左脚弯曲,使中心向前倾斜。两个键同时按,持续一定的时间。

③ 在左脚刚刚落地,右脚刚刚抬起的时候,松开wo,按下Qp,这时候是同时按下去的,持续一段时间。

④ 我们看到这里有两种情况,下面是第一种情况,就是前面的腿还举得很高,和地面差距很远,后面的腿还是弯曲的没有伸直,这时候要持续按上面的键,也就是Qp键,直到后退伸直。

⑤ 还有一种情况是后腿已经伸直,并且离地了,前腿弯曲成90度了, 松开所有的键,让他自由运动一会。

⑥ 当右脚落地的时候重新再按下QP键,让左腿弯曲的角度再小一些,持续按着,直到左脚落地瞬间。

⑦ 右脚落地,这时候按下wo键,让右腿继续伸直,用一点力气。

⑧ 在左脚落地的瞬间,再按下WO键,迈出右脚。

⑨ 以此类推,等到右脚落地,再迈出左脚,按下wo键。















One, WII ran game?

There is a ran game inside WIIFIT, drabber nevertheless, and do not use on balance board, put control handle in the pocket OK. The metrical footplate game in FIT is OK still nevertheless, can be those who use only at most nevertheless. Additional, mad bunny has the game of a ran 1 li, do not calculate nevertheless on true ran.

2, ran game process?

Happy game, active mood. Active game, try to overtake each other in friendly emulation. Unitive power is great.

3, traditional ran game?

It is my answer below, traditional ran game has a lot of kinds, among them the most classical is " race " . Players need to be on same scratch line start of a race, most the person that reachs terminus first is a winner namely. Additional, be like,still have a few game " relay race " , " obstacle race " etc, these game need players to cooperate cooperation, ability gains a victory. In traditional ran game, players can exercise not only, still can foster group collaboration spirit and competitive consciousness.

4, what does children ran game have?

Children ran game can have ran competition, or eagle catchs a chickling, perhaps play hide-and-seek, this is the game that children runs.

5, how is TV ran game installed?

The TV that should watch you first supports ran blanket. If you are bought, is E70.e72.e96. You are then direct check the interface of blanket of the ran that achieve dimension to Usb interface, with the remote controller the dot opens a network to cruel inside. Having a project is cruel opens gym, click it is OK to enter, nevertheless premise is you tutorial of that smooth dish is already beat arrives actor dish in or it is hard disk in. Actor dish also should check Usb interface to go up ha.

6, game of ran of Switch body sense?

Game of ran of Switch body sense has a lot of, have representative body sense run most game head is pushed " gymnastical annulus takes a risk greatly " .

" gymnastical annulus takes a risk greatly " at official 2020 put on sale, the body sense game that is one paragraph general game and gymnastical photograph union. The interest sex of game is self-evident, basically be the effect that can be in the home to be able to achieve fitness, and main with ran this kind of motion having oxygen is given priority to, also be the body sense game of be the rage.

7, how does Qwop ran game play?

QWOP employs law strategy:

The hardest part is when ① begins to start, you should feel the around rock of this individual first, feel his heart, after if his body is compared,leaning, so his center go up with respect to retrospective foot, at that time you can step the foot in front, contrary, if centre of gravity is advanced at that time, you can step the foot from the back. We learn the stablest getaway first method, after the center leans when, we press W bolts, step left foot.

After ② steps left foot, press W key continuously, not let go, know below this postural moment, press O bolts again, let left foot bend, make the center tilts ahead. Two key are pressed at the same time, the time with last proper.

③ is in left foot just be born, when right leg just is raised, loose Wo, press Qp, it is to press at the same time at that time go, last for some time.

We see ④ here has two kinds of cases, the first kind of circumstance is below, it is the leg in front still is lifted very high, with ground difference very far, the leg from the back or bent do not have unbend, want to press the key above continuously at that time, namely Qp key, till regressive unbend.

⑤ still has a kind of case is a hind leg already unbend, and leave the ground, the foreleg curves 90 degrees, loose all key, make him free move a little while.

⑥ is become right leg be born when press QP bolts again afresh, make angle of left leg bent again a few smaller, pressing continuously, till instant of left foot be born.

Be born of ⑦ right leg, press Wo bolts at that time, let right leg continue unbend, with a bit effort.

⑧ is in the instant of left foot be born, press WO bolts again, stride right leg.

⑨ with this analogize, when right leg be born, step left foot again, press Wo bolts.

8, do you draw me to suspect ran play?

Game is more agile, and the way of ran is quicker, and the speed that run is more acute

9, how to shake phonic ran game to operate?


With the apple 12, IOS15, tremble sound 21.9.0 for exemple.

Enter above all tremble sound, in the page the choice clicks foreword of Xiaocheng of demon sex race.


Home page of foreword of Xiaocheng of demon sex race is entered later, selected element strikes lower part part of control of 4 functions key-press moves ahead


Enter finally timing end game sees also end in the page.

10, ran game blanket of which brand good?

Hello! About ran game blanket, there are a lot of signs on market, but the individual thinks or need from brand public praise, sex the many sided such as valence comparing, durability considers.

At present a few relatively well-known trademarks have north Ou Baoli, female litre, iron man-a person of exceptional physical and moral strength, the rug quality of these brands and performance are steadier, service life is longer also. Qualitative, skid resistance mixes the weight that needs to notice a product when buy, material the respect such as noise, the rug price of a few static figure is for instance more expensive, but the noise when using is lesser, suit to be used in the home. As a whole, the effective demand that him basis needs when choosing ran game blanket and budget consider integratedly, when buying, had better do more compare and understand a product to comment on.
