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1、dressed in green clothes, his stomach liquid, penny more, all black faces——watermelon身穿绿衣裳,肚里水汪汪,生的子儿多,个个黑脸膛。——西瓜。

2、hacked-at trees, rattan, curved vine to hang a bell crystal——grapes弯弯树,弯弯藤,藤上挂个水晶铃。——葡萄。

3、it has red face,and green leaves———apple红脸蛋,绿叶子。——苹果。

4、they are yellow,and kind of long——–bananas它们是黄色的,而且个头有点长。——香蕉。

5、it’s a furit. it’s also a color. what is it? —–orange. 它是一种水果,也是一种颜色。——桔子。

6、a red coat, white body and black heart. —litchi红色的果皮,白色的果肉,黑色的核儿。——荔枝。


1、谜题:团结劳动是能手,家家住着小门楼,个个开着糖坊铺,日日夜夜忙不休。 (打一动物) 谜底:蜜蜂(蜂巢就像一个个门楼,而蜂巢里面有蜂蜜,所以说开着糖坊铺)

2、谜题:团结劳动是模范,全家住在格子间,常到花丛去工作,造出产品比糖甜。 (打一动物) 谜底:蜜蜂(蜂巢是一格格的,所以说全家住在格子间,蜂蜜很甜)

3、谜题:黄衣裳,金翅膀,飞来飞去做工忙。它的本领大,还会造小房。做出好吃的,留给大家尝。谁敢欺负它,留神它的枪。 (打一动物) 谜底:蜜蜂(蜜蜂会酿造蜂蜜,蜜蜂还会蜇人,所以说谁敢欺负它,留神它的枪)

4、谜题:黄衣姑娘建闺房,花从中里它最忙。 (打一动物) 谜底:蜜蜂(蜜蜂颜色是黄的,每天都忙着才花酿蜜)

5、谜题:小小家伙眼睛亮,花中采宝回家酿。 (打一动物) 谜底:蜜蜂(蜜蜂才会回蜂巢酿蜜)





曾笑蜗牛吃葡萄,也偕艳羽悦耳鸣。生性胆小藏树间,志摩有诗齐同名。 打一动物 黄鹂

老师谜语白发将军胡子兵 谜底:老师



1.把两个XX(XX是你要 整人的名字)相加,就是一个台湾著名歌手,猜是哪个歌手。答案:伍佰——因为是两个250相加。


3.一只公鸡和一只小鸡,打三个字. 一只母鸡和一只小鸡,打五个字.



































One, the fruit riddle of concerned English riddle, riddle?

1, Dressed In Green Clothes, his Stomach Liquid, penny More, all Black Faces -- Watermelon wears green clothes, the bright in abdomen, unripe child much, each is black facial chamber. -- watermelon.

2, Hacked-at Trees, rattan, curved Vine To Hang A Bell Crystal -- Grapes turn bends a tree, the turn bends a cane, a crystal bell is hanged on the cane. -- grape.

3, It Has Red Face, and Green Leaves -- , Apple blush egg, green leaf. -- apple.

4, They Are Yellow, and Kind Of Long -- – Bananas they are yellow, and build is a bit long. -- banana.

5, It ' S A Furit. It ' S Also A Color. What Is It? , – Orange. It is a kind of fruit, also be a kind of color. -- orange.

6, A Red Coat, white Body And Black Heart. , the peel of Litchi red, white pulp, black stone. -- litchi.

2, the riddle of riddle bee?

1, enigma: Unitive labor is hotshot, the home is living in wicket building, each is opening sugar mill store, every day nocturnal night is busy endlessly. (play one creature) answer to a riddle: Bee (honeycomb resemble each an arch over a gateway, and honeycomb inside have honey, saying sugar mill store so)

2, enigma: Unitive labor is a model, the family lives between grid, haunt flowers goes working, make a product sweeter than candy. (play one creature) answer to a riddle: Bee (honeycomb be one division division, say the family lives between grid so, honey is very sweet)

3, enigma: Huang Yichang, golden wing, flitter charge for the making of sth. is busy. Its skill is great, still can build Xiaofang. Make delicious, leave everybody to taste. Who dare bully it, careful its gun. (play one creature) answer to a riddle: Bee (the bee is met brew honey, the bee still can sting a person, say who dare bully it so, careful its gun)

4, enigma: Yellow garment girl builds boudoir, flower from which in it is the busiest. (play one creature) answer to a riddle: Bee (apian color is yellow, everyday busy ability flower brews honey)

5, enigma: Bub eye is bright, treasure wine coming home is collected in the flower. (play one creature) answer to a riddle: Bee (the bee just can answer honeycomb wine honey)

3, does riddle guess animal riddle?

Guess the riddle: of the animal?  of # of  paper fierce Chou changes Lao  Bin to punish  of ζ of  Deng  . Aperture of  spoon Europe snail of? of small cup of C of young to fold. Snail grows very smally, carry on the back after very big, in the name although take Niu Zi, not be an ox however, cannot plough cropland, strength is not great however hind house back an elephant, this riddle is very interesting.

4, who has magpie riddle and riddle of oriole riddle teacher?

Oriole riddle

Ever laughed at snail to eat a grape, also in the company of admires a Yue tinnitus. Recreant Tibet cultivates natural disposition, annals rub have Shi Qi homonymic. Hit one animal oriole

Answer to a riddle of arms of mustache of general of teacher riddle white hair: Teacher

5, give others a hard time do laugh riddle riddle?

Give others a hard time riddle:

1. two XX (XX is the name that you should give others a hard time) addition, it is a Taiwan famous singer, guessing is which singer. The answer: Five hundred -- because be two 250 addition.

On the buttock of 2. pig two tear, make one song name -- your face that shedding a tear.

3. a cock and a chickling, make 3 words. A hen and a chickling, make 5 words.

6, why does riddle call riddle?

Riddle is art of skill of a kind of language, language, have its distinctive law and become a system oneself. In get-together, friend all sorts of casino such as entertainment of party, family close, guess the activity gets everybody's welcome.

Guessing is a beneficial entertainment activity, can inspire an imagination already, exercise intelligence, can grow knowledge again, active life.

Riddle is divided again actually for civilian riddle and riddles written on lanterns two kinds big. Riddles written on lanterns points to article justice mystery only, because often be stuck at the lantern,go up and get a name.

Its characteristic is the sound that uses Chinese written language, form, justice change, with knowingly, fasten the gimmick such as solution, separation and reunion to make a mystery.

Riddle of civilian riddle abbreviation, its characteristic is to emphasize the certain aspect that holds a thing, wait like appearance, dynamic, property, utility, the form that uses folk song makes a mystery, call a thing the mystery again. Other still have the mystery type such as mystery of a few enigma, rebus, interlink, not quite commonly used.

Riddle is by eye of riddle, mystery, answer to a riddle 3 parts are formed commonly. The language that people guesses enlightenment of in order to calls riddle, the model order that sets answering question calls a mystery eye, answer to a riddle is the answer. For example:

"From go up to below, wide to unite. " (make one word) answer to a riddle: "" . Among them, riddle is " from go up to below, wide to unite " , mystery eye is " word " .

The history that riddle is in our country is very long, all previous classics counts chiliad and grow fill do not decline, love numerously by wide swarm.

Riddle has 4 big characteristics: Rich intellectual sex, grumous interest sex, close logic, intense open wisdom sex. Teenager children often plays guess activity, can develop analysis, wraparound ability, arouse thinking in images, patulous knowledge face.

7, riddle horn, guess guess riddle?

1, who is the person's ancestor? -- answer to a riddle: It is earthnut, because of groundnut (person)

2, standing wood stake (make one word) -- answer to a riddle: Close

3, Tong Shugao of long long neck, wrap around personally stain of white grain brown, grow again fine 4 legs (play one creature) -- answer to a riddle: Giraffe

4, 108 brave man, 27 about, agitate gets all directions to hang in the heart (make one recreation appliance) -- answer to a riddle: Mahjong

8, picture riddle and literal riddle?

Say not to make say, take do not make take (most) ;

Bao Yu proposes (Lincoln) ;

Add brushstroke bad, add one times many (evening) ;

Depth of water of peach blossom pool 1000 feet (unapproachable) ;

Add 12 (Tianjin) ;

9, riddle of children of riddle of festival of lanterns?

Be like a bird to be not a bird again, body having a wing does not have wool, one face ugly about, love nocturnal roam answer to a riddle only: Batty

The body is like swallow gently, fly between heaven and earth, do not be afraid that be apart is far, also can spread the word. Answer to a riddle: Carrier pigeon

Body small force is not small, unite laborious. Move grain sometimes, dig a tunnel sometimes. Answer to a riddle: Ant

Go up personally satiny be bored with, like to get river copy. Ask for a favor spits hubble-bubble, can measure weather. Answer to a riddle: Loach

Wear green clothes, pickaback two knives. Go in crop land, the pest is frightened so that run. Answer to a riddle: Mantis

10, life riddle?

1. color is like snow in vain, the body is like iron forcedly, one day is washed 3 times, rest in night ark. [answer to a riddle] bowl.

2. a black child, never start to talk, if start to talk, drop out tongue. [answer to a riddle] melon seed.

3. person disrobe, it wears the dress, the person doffs a hat, it wears a hat. [answer to a riddle] clothes tree.

4. house square, the door does not have a window, the heat outside house carbonadoes, the austerity in house. [answer to a riddle] freezer.

5. two little bags, take every day, if little, laugh at the person bad. [kill bottom] sock
