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1. **清洁佛牌**:在供奉之前,先用清水轻轻地清洁佛牌,然后用柔软的布轻拭干净。

2. **供养香烛**:在佛牌前摆上香和蜡烛,表示虔诚和尊敬。点燃香烛后,合上双手,默念诵经或祈祷。

3. **供奉鲜花**:摆上一些新鲜的花朵,表示美好和纯洁之意。

4. **供奉水果和食物**:放置一些水果或其他食物,表示对佛菩萨的供养和感恩。

5. **供奉饮品**:可以摆上一杯水或茶,代表清净和清澈之意。

6. **诵经念佛**:在供奉佛牌时,可以诵经念佛,表达虔诚和敬意。



The means of consecrate Buddha card has a lot of kinds, basically depend on the individual's belief and habit. Generally speaking, it is a few familiar consecrate pattern below:

1.** of card of ** clean Buddha: Before consecrate, use clear water first gently clean Buddha card, the cloth light mop that uses softness next is clean.

2.** makes offerings to ** of joss sticks and candles: Place before Buddha card sweet with the candle, express to be mixed piously respect. After igniting joss sticks and candles, add up to both hands, silent is recited classics or pray.

3.** of ** consecrate flower: Place on a few fresh flower, express happiness and pure desire.

4.** consecrate fruit and food ** : Place a few fruits or other edibles, show pair of Buddha a term applied to a kindhearted person make offerings to and be thankful.

5.** of ** consecrate drink: Can place on one cup of water or tea, the delegate is kosher with clear idea.

6.** of pray to Buddha of ** Song classics: When consecrate Buddha card, can Song classics pray to Buddha, expression is mixed piously devoir.

Why to no matter use,plant means, consecrate Buddha card should be a heart sincere sincerity, express the revere and is thankful feeling of pair of Buddha Bodhisattva.
