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1. 佛像:通常是佛陀释迦牟尼的像,位于供桌的中央位置。
2. 菩萨像:如观音菩萨、文殊菩萨、地藏菩萨等,根据信仰选择排列。
3. 道场祖师像:如释迦牟尼佛弟子舍利弗、目犍连等。
4. 护法神像:如四大天王、韦驮菩萨等,负责守护佛法和信徒。
5. 圣物:如佛经、法器等圣物,放置在供桌的侧面。
6. 鲜花、水果、茶水:作为供养,代表虔诚和敬意。



Buddhist consecrate order is ordinal normally arrange according to the following order:

1.Figure of Buddha: Be Buddha Sakyamuni normally picture, be located in the central position of altar.
2.Bodhisattva resembling: If avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, article different Bodhisattva, ground hides Bodhisattva to wait, choose to arrange according to belief.
3.The founder of a school of learning of Taoist or Buddhish rites resembles: If Buddhist relics of Sakyamuni Buddha child nots, eye Qian is connected etc.
4.Protect law God: If 4 days of big king, Wei carries Bodhisattva on the back to wait, be in charge of guarding power of Buddha and believer.
5.Holy content: Wait for holy content like sutra, musical instruments used in a Buddhist or Taoist mass, set the side in altar.
6.Flower, fruit, boiled water: As make offerings to, the delegate is mixed piously devoir.

This is average order, because district, tradition or individual cultivate oneself according to a religious doctrine are used to and specific likelihood differs somewhat.
