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1. 尊重他人信仰:如果你身边有人信奉佛教,尊重他们的信仰,不要伤害他们的感情或者引发不必要的冲突。

2. 探索自己的信仰:如果你对佛教不感兴趣,可以尝试探索其他的信仰或者哲学,找到符合自己价值观的信仰。

3. 关注内心修养:不论是否供奉佛神,都可以关注自身的内心修养,培养善良、宽容、慈悲的品质,这些都是各种信仰都推崇的美德。

4. 尊重社会习俗:在某些社会或文化中,供奉佛神可能是一种习俗或者礼仪。即使你个人不信奉,也应尊重并遵守当地的习俗。



Not consecrate Buddha god may be to stem from different belief or individual choice. If you do not think consecrate Buddha mind, can consider the following:

1.Respect other belief: If beside you somebody believe in is Buddhist, respect their belief, the feeling that does not hurt them perhaps causes needless conflict.

2.Explore oneself belief: If you are right Buddhist disinclination, can try to explore other belief or philosophy, find the belief that accords with him viewpoint of value.

3.Pay close attention to inner accomplishment: No matter whether consecrate Buddha god, the heart that can pay close attention to oneself is cultural, develop kind-hearted, good-tempered, compassionate character, these are all sorts of belief the goodness of praise highly.

4.Esteem society is consuetudinary: In certain society or culture, consecrate Buddha god may be a kind consuetudinary formal perhaps. Although your individual not believe in, what also should be respected and abide by place is consuetudinary.

As a whole, handle not the belief that the problem of consecrate Buddha god needs to respect another person, the belief that also should hold oneself at the same time is free.
