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1. **转让给有需要的人:** 如果你有朋友或者家人对佛像感兴趣,你可以将它们转让给他们。

2. **捐赠给寺庙或佛堂:** 寺庙或佛堂可能会接受捐赠的佛像,并且会合适地处理它们。

3. **放置在适当的地方:** 如果你想要尊重佛像,但不想供奉,你可以将它们放置在一个适当的地方,比如一个安静的角落或者书房里。

4. **与文化史馆联系:** 如果佛像具有历史或文化价值,你可以考虑与当地的文化史馆联系,看看他们是否有兴趣收藏。

5. **进行适当的销毁:** 如果以上方法都不适用,那么你可以考虑进行适当的销毁,比如将它们交给专业的废物处理机构。



If you do not think consecrate figure of Buddha, can consider way of the following kinds of processing:

1.** transfers the person that has need: ** if you have a friend or family is interested in figure of Buddha, you can make over them them.

2.** donates cloister or family hall for worshipping Buddha: ** cloister or family hall for worshipping Buddha may accept donative figure of Buddha, and meet handle them suitably.

3.** places in proper place: ** if you want to respect figure of Buddha, but do not think consecrate, you can place them in a proper place, than quiet like corner or in the study.

4.History house contacts ** and culture: ** if figure of Buddha has the history or culture value, you can consider the culture with place history house connection, see them whether have fun at collect.

5.** undertakes proper destroy by melting or burning: ** if above method is not applicable, so you can consider to undertake proper destroy by melting or burning, give them for instance professional trash handles an orgnaization.

No matter you choose which kinds of way, want to ensure with a kind of valued means handles figure of Buddha.
