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1. **准备供品**:在神龛或指定的地方摆放水果、糖果、酒、香烛等,表示对天地神灵的敬意和感恩。

2. **点燃香烛**:先点燃香烛,象征着心诚诚意。

3. **燃香行礼**:在燃香的同时,可以合十行礼,表示虔诚。

4. **祷告祈愿**:在供奉的过程中,可以默默地祷告,向天地神灵祈求新的一年平安顺遂、幸福快乐。

5. **奉献食物和饮品**:将水果和糖果摆放在供桌上,浇上少许酒,象征着馈赠神灵。

6. **默哀**:在祈祷完毕后,可以默哀一会,以表达对先人的思念和缅怀。

7. **收拾供桌**:祈祷结束后,将供品收拾整齐,可以将水果和糖果留下来食用,也可以分给家人分享。



Heaven and earth of consecrate of night of the New Year's Eve is Chinese tradition is consuetudinary one of, it is to be in the place with a medium specific perhaps shrine to undertake commonly. Consecrate heaven and earth needs to prepare a few necessary article, include joss sticks and candles, fruit, candied, wine to wait. Concrete move is as follows:

1.** prepares offerings ** : Fruit, candied, wine, joss sticks and candles is put to wait in shrine or designation place, the respect that shows deities of pair of heaven and earth and be thankful.

2.** ignites ** of joss sticks and candles: Ignite joss sticks and candles first, indicative heart sincere sincerity.

3.** lights sweet salute ** : In light sweet while, can put the palms together salutes, express devotional.

4.** prayer is invocatory ** : In the process of consecrate, silently prayer, petition one year new to deities of heaven and earth restful go well, happy joy.

5.** consecratory food and drink ** : Put fruit and candy go up in altar, irrigate on a few wine, symbolic move presents deities.

6.** of ** stand in silent tribute: Praying after ending, can stand in silent tribute a little while, in order to convey the longing to forefathers and recall.

7.** clears away altar ** : Pray after the end, clear away offerings orderly, can stay fruit and candy edible, OK also deal out family is shared.

Consecrate heaven and earth is Chinese tradition heaven and earth of a kind of esteem in culture, be thankful ancestral means, carry this kind of kind, people hopes to be able to obtain deities bless and bless, bless family restful happiness.
