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1. 财神像或画像:通常是一尊或一幅财神的形象,可以选择传统的财神像或者画像。

2. 香炉和香:用于点燃香火,表示诚心敬拜。选择高质量的香,如檀香或沉香。

3. 鲜花或果品:作为供品摆放在财神像前,以示诚意。可以选择红色或黄色的鲜花,如红玫瑰或金桔。

4. 食品:可以准备一些财神喜爱的食物,如糖果、水果或糕点,摆放在供桌上。

5. 红色布料:用于覆盖供桌或供台,象征吉祥和繁荣。



Mammon is the important god Dai in Chinese traditional belief, consecrate mammon is a kind common consuetudinary, be in especially commercial start business or money carries not when beautiful. Consecrate mammon needs to prepare the following article normally:

1.Money God or picture: It is normally one honour or the figure of a mammon, the mammon that can choose a tradition resembles or picture.

2.Censer and sweet: Use at igniting burning incense, express sincere Jing Bai. Those who choose high quality is sweet, be like white sandalwood or agalloch eaglewood.

3.Flower or fruit: Put as offerings before mammon resembles, in order to show good faith. Can choose the flower of red or yellow, be like red rose or Jin Jie.

4.Food: Can prepare the food that a few mammon like, be like candied, fruit or cake, put go up in altar.

5.Gules cloth: Be used at enclothing altar or offer a desk, indicative auspicious is auspicious prosperity.

When consecrate mammon, should pray in earnest and express oneself desire to mammon, be prosperous of invocatory money carry, business is thriving. After consecrate ends, can go up to mammon regularly sweet pray blessing, hold the devoir to mammon and belief.
