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1. **组织御魂**:在御魂页面中,将相同类型的御魂组织在一起。这样可以帮助你更快速地找到所需的御魂。

2. **使用自动供奉功能**:一些游戏可能提供了自动供奉功能,让你可以一键将指定类型的御魂自动供奉掉。

3. **批量选择供奉**:如果游戏支持批量操作,你可以尝试批量选择多个御魂进行供奉,而不是一个一个单独操作。

4. **副本掉落后立即供奉**:在完成副本或者其他御魂获取途径后,立即对多余的御魂进行供奉,这样可以防止御魂堆积过多,减少后续的供奉时间。

5. **设置目标御魂**:确定你想要的主要御魂类型,只保留这些御魂,其他多余的御魂可以优先供奉掉。



Want the lofty spirit of a nation of fast consecrate drive, you can try the following method:

1.** organizes drive fetch ** : In drive fetch page, the drive fetch of same kind the organization is together. Can help you so more the drive the lofty spirit of a nation that apace finds place to need.

2.** uses ** of automatic consecrate function: A few game may provide automatic consecrate function, make you OK bolt the drive fetch that specifies a type automatic consecrate is dropped.

3.** batch chooses consecrate ** : If game supports batch operation, you can try batch to choose many drive fetch to undertake consecrate, is not many a separate operation.

4.After ** carbon drops instantly consecrate ** : In the carbon that finish fetch of other perhaps drive gets way hind, undertake consecrate to redundant drive fetch instantly, can pile up in order to prevent drive fetch so overmuch, reduce follow-up consecrate time.

5.** installs ** of target drive fetch: Define the kind of main drive fetch that you want, preserve these drive soul only, OK and preferential consecrate drops other and redundant drive fetch.

Hope these methods can help you fetch of fast consecrate drive!
