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1. **神像的位置:** 神像应该放在一个高处,以示尊重和崇敬。可以选择一个特殊的地方,例如祭坛或供桌。

2. **供品的摆放:** 供奉应该摆放在神像前,供品可以包括水果、鲜花、香烛、食物等,以表达虔诚和敬意。通常会有一个小的供桌或者供品台来放置这些供品。

3. **摆放的方式:** 供品的摆放应该整齐有序,不要混杂在一起。最常见的是将供品摆成一排或者一个圆圈。

4. **虔诚的心态:** 在摆放供奉时,要以虔诚和敬畏的心态来对待,这是向神明表达敬意的重要方式。



When the consecrate that puts God, want to notice the following normally:

1.The position of ** God: ** God should be put in an altitude, be respected in order to show and esteem. Can choose a special place, for example altar or altar.

2.Of ** offerings put: ** consecrate should be put before God, offerings can include fruit, flower, joss sticks and candles, food to wait, mix in order to convey piously devoir. Can have a little credence normally or offerings stage will place these offerings.

3.The way that ** puts: Of ** offerings put should orderly orderly, not jumbly together. The commonnest is place offerings or a circle.

4.The state of mind with devotional ** : When ** is putting consecrate, want to be treated with coming with awe-stricken state of mind piously, this is the important kind that expresses respect to deities.

According to different religion and belief, the particular kind to consecrate may differ somewhat, you can be mixed according to your belief the tradition will select the rightest consecrate kind.
