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1. 准备一个干净的供桌或供台,最好放在靠近自己常去的地方,如卧室或客厅。

2. 在供桌上放上一块洁净的布或桌布,以供佛牌安置。

3. 将佛牌放在供桌上,可以用一块丝绸布或类似的物品包裹,表示尊敬。

4. 每天定时向佛牌献上香、鲜花、水果或其他食品,表示敬意和感恩。

5. 供奉时可以轻轻合掌,默念或诵读心经、佛经或其他经文,以祈福或寻求庇佑。

6. 定期清理供桌和佛牌周围的环境,保持清洁和整洁。



The means of consecrate Buddha card is OK because of belief and individual preference differ somewhat, but normally the practice includes the following measure:

1.Prepare a clean altar or for the stage, had better put in the place that stands by oneself to often go, be like bedroom or sitting room.

2.A clean cloth or antependium are put on altar, find a place for in order to offer Buddha card.

3.Put Buddha shop sign on altar, can use cloth of a silk or similar article package, express to respect.

4.Time to Buddha the card is displayed everyday on sweet, flower, fruit or other provision, state devoir is mixed be thankful.

5.The strike with the palm of the hand can join gently when consecrate, silent reads aloud or chant heart classics, sutra or other lection, with pray blessing or seek bless.

6.Clear regularly the environment all round altar and Buddha card, maintain cleanness and neat.

Above is pattern of general consecrate Buddha card only, particular way can undertake adjustment according to the individual's belief and tradition.
