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1. **材质**:香炉的材质应该选用不易生锈、易清洁的材料,如不锈钢、铜、陶瓷等。避免选择有毒物质的材料,确保安全无害。

2. **设计**:香炉的设计最好简洁大方,不要选择过于花俏或太过豪华的款式,以尊重祖先的精神追求。

3. **大小**:根据祭祀场所的大小和供奉的方式,选择适合的大小。太大或太小都不太合适,要考虑与祭台、神龛或供桌的协调。

4. **功能**:一些香炉带有熄香功能或灯光功能,可以根据个人需求选择是否需要这些额外功能。

5. **价位**:根据个人经济能力和对香炉的重视程度选择适合的价位。不一定要选择价格昂贵的香炉,但也不要选择质量太差的产品。



When the censer that chooses consecrate ancestor, want to consider the following factors above all:

1.** material qualitative ** : The material of censer should choose the material of not easy rusty, easy cleanness character, wait like stainless steel, copper, pottery and porcelain. Avoid to choose the material of toxic substance, ensure safety is harmless.

2.** designs ** : The design of censer is best and concise easy, do not choose too beautiful spruce or too too luxurious design, in order to respect mental pursuit of the ancestor.

3.** size ** : According to the means of the size of sacred place and consecrate, choose suitable bulk. Too big or too small not quite appropriate, want the harmony of consideration and stage of hold a memorial ceremony for, shrine or altar.

4.** function ** : A few censer contain extinguish sweet function or lamplight function, can choose to whether need these additional functions according to individual demand.

5.** price ** : Mix according to individual economy capacity the values degree to choose to suit price to censer. Must not choose the censer with high price, but also do not select the product with too poor quality.

The most important is, choose a character admirable, accord with an individual aesthetic the censer that is used to with consecrate, in order to express the feeling of the devoir to the ancestor and pray blessing.
